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We ran into math class where i saw Beckett he saw me too, but he wasn't at our triangle group. He was with another girl making her laugh, not rolling her eyes.

"Look I know you like him, he knows too. Please stop staring like you're mad and do something," Miles said.

"How about running?" I started off to the door but Miles grabbed my wrist just in time.

"Slow your roll V, just sit where you normally sit."

"Class let's start open your notebooks we're taking notes," our teacher shouted. I pulled my notebook out of my desk and saw a note. 'I promise that you'll never find another like me V' I turn and see him flirting with another girl.

I open my notebook and see his name written on the next blank page over and over. I tear out the page and raise my hand immediately.

"Can I use the bathroom? My stomach hurts?" I say.

"Go," my teacher pointed. I ran out the door and took the long way to the water fountain. On the way back I gained my composure and as i was am to turn the last corner when He stopped me.

"Going somewhere Morita?"

"Yes, away from you." i said walking around him, but not quick enough until he grabbed my arm.

"We all know you like me why don't you confess?"

"Are we sure it's not you who likes me?" i said back.

He smirked and walked away while pushing me to the wall. I walked back into class wit work on my desk and a note. 'Take a chance on me'

I threw my head back and turned to talk to miles, but he was with jax.

The rest of class I was jittery and for the rest of the day. When i finished eating dinner I got a text from a number and of course i respond.

+1 (326)283-3628

You light up my world like nobody else


The way that i slap your face gets me overwhelmed.


Why are you doing this


You just want attention you don't want my heart


Break up with your boyfriend hurry up cause i'm bored.


I'm way to good at goodbyes

I turn off my phone and sigh. It's true, I like him. Why can't I accept it?


The next day I came to school scared for some reason, like I was dreading the day. I run into C, like actually run into.

"Hey sorry V," she says all happy.

"It's great to see you smile!"

"Yeah Beckett's bringing me starbucks I need some for a boost."

"That's nice of him, rough night last night?"

"I was actually talking to him all night. There he is," she finished pointing to his direction.

"I should probably go, but want to hang for lunch?"

"Sure." I ran to my locker quickly then headed to class where i saw a Mocha Frappe on my spot. And on the name I saw 'Beautiful Girl'. I looked around for someone who might've put this, but Sasha was home and Beckett and C were still outside in the quad.

I drank it quickly just in time before everyone came in and by everyone i mean Beckett and C. The morning went by quick I danced, and did some math problems, then went to find C for our lunch date.

"Hey C!"

"Hey V, lets head to downtown to get some smoothies from the SMOOTHIE KING."

"My car?"

"Sure." We day down and started singing to our favorite songs, it was so hard to imagine we were the girls who were fighting just yesterday.

We drove and since there was no parking by our restaurant we had to go down 5 blocks. As C and I started to walk This Girl Is On Fire play and people from our dance class started dancing to the dong including Carly, so I thought I should too.

I started failing my hands around and singing to the music when C put a hand on my shoulder and laughed.

"This is a surprise for you V!" She said laughing, "Stop dancing and just walk."

I walked and saw the boy with blonde hair look at me holding a cupcake with a candle, he approached me.

"Happy Birthday V," he whispered.

I blew out the candle and felt happy he remembered when I forgot. All was good until I felt cupcake on my face.

"Haha! Gotcha V, but honestly when I see your face there's not a thing that I would change because your amazing. Happy birthday," he said.

I ran to get Carly and pulled me, her, and Beckett into a hug. 

Becknessa & Veckett (The beginning)Where stories live. Discover now