The Competitor (4)

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Beckett's POV

Nope I'm out of here. I trust you? Is she crazy? We're competition not friends. If she thinks we could be anything like that she's crazier than I already thought she was. I walk out and head to the music department maybe Miles could help. As I'm walking down the hallway I bump into some Senior.

"Hey I'm Julie"

"Hey sorry about that. Beckett. You need help with that?" I ask her pointing at the sign she's trying to put up.

"Oh yeah sure. Are you coming to the dance?"

"There's a dance?" 

"Yeah this weekend they'll be announcements after school so come if you want." I drop everything I'm holding and continue my run but instead of going to Miles I head out to the quad. Where I see Vanessa had already beaten me to it. I can't let her see me. Helsweel's next ranking is tomorrow for the roles in the upcoming play. I can't let her beat me or even come close to second, so I don't have to hear her annoying voice, there must be something I could do to her...

I waited until she was up in the air making a triple spin jump and sprinted across where she was jumping, knocking her off, making her fall onto the concrete. 

"OWW oh my gosh. What is wrong with yo-. BECKETT?" I walk away leaving her out in the quad hurt. I couldn't have hurt her bad maybe just a sprain. I run off to the bathroom, I can't look at her anymore. The competition is down now all lead roles are all mine. 

I made my way into the bathroom and splashed water onto my face. Breathing heavily. This is what got me kicked out of my first school and this is what will get me kicked out of this. That is if I got caught, but no one was looking, they were all in class.

3rd person POV

What Beckett didn't know was that Ms. Helsweel saw it all... 

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