Peace Treaty

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"Look it's hard for me to open up, you know that."

"Really because you made your feelings for me quite clear," I said walking away. He chased me down and and put his hand in front of me.

"what are you doing right now," he said walking backwards.


"You're doing what with a wall?" he asked just when he hit his head on the back of a wall.

"Wall," i said tapping his head, "Well since I didn't bring lunch today, i'm headed to the cafeteria where hopefully i can buy lunch for a $1.43."

"Hey let's go to a cafe it'll be my treat!"

"As long as it has ice cream"

"are you going to be that girl to take a picture of her food?"

"No" he raised an eyebrow at me.

"I'm sorry judge judy," i said hands up, "Where are we walking to anyways?"

"My car Ms. Basic" I stopped in front of a truck.

"This wasn't what you picked me up in yesterday."

"You getting in or what," Beckett said starting the engine.

"Depends, did you steal this car?" I smirked hopping into the passenger seat. We stayed quiet for most of the ride until Beckett turned on the radio. I started singing along to the throwback songs.

"I WANNA DANCE WITH SOM- BECKETT!!! get that phone out of my face," I screamed.

"I couldn't it's too funny"

"Where are you even posting that on."


"No no no no I can report you for texting and driving."

"1. We were parked when i took the video your eyes were just closed. 2. i wasn't texting i was videotaping. SO HA." I stick out my younger and headed into the cafe.

We were seated Ina booth and given the menus.

"I'll take the chicken tenders and fries," Beckett said.

"I'll take an Oreo milkshake and fries," I said handing my menu over to the waitress. And sat in awkward silence with Beckett.

"So you know I don't hate you right, Vanessa?"

"Ya sure act like it."

"I don't mean to, it's just ,I don't know , hard to open up and let someone be in control of me and my feelings."

"What are you talking about."

"Here is your food," our waiter said, setting the food on the table. 

We started eating and I took a boomerang of my milkshake and Beckett then posted it on my Instagram story.

"Don't you dare."

"Too late, and plus you took one of me singing." My phone rang alerting both Beckett and me that Carly wanted to FaceTime. I accepted and saw a nervous Carly running around Keaton.

"WHERE ARE YOU V? Sasha said so,etching about Beckett running after you, but he pushed Sasha down in the process." 

"You pushed Sasha down?" I whispered to Beckett as he shrugged in reply. 

"I'm at Gwen's Cafe withhh" I flipped the screen, "Beckett!"

"Ooh the cafe, you two sure you're not together?"

"We're just competition making a peace treaty," Beckett said taking my phone.

"Yes, and since we are just competition I feel that I can do this." I got a spoonful of whipped cream and pressed it on his nose.

"What the- VANESSA." I grabbed my phone from him and started running.

"And since we're just competition I leave you with this," I called out to the waitress catching her attention, "He would like to pay the bill now!"

She printed out his receipt while I said one final statement to him.

"Payback." And I pushed the door open.

"You know you don't have a ride right?"

"You know there's something called walking right?"

"You'll kill yourself."

"I don't see you stopping me," I said leaving his mouth open. He put $50 on the counter and told the waitress to keep the change and ran after me. Once he caught up to me he picked me up and dragged me to his truck.

"You know you can be difficult right," he said locking the doors.

"But you know you love it." He stared at me bit his lip then looked out the window. 

"Sadly, you're right."

Becknessa & Veckett (The beginning)Where stories live. Discover now