Part Twelve | Red Lipstick and Cigarettes

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The rest of the week passes relatively fast for Clementine who eagerly awaits the weekend of the 25th of May, where she'll attend Violet's party with a small group of friends in a luxury apartment complex overlooking the golden sands of Virginia Beach.

Every time Clementine passes Violet in the halls or receives a text from her she feels her heart flutter, she can't believe that they're officially together, she's never felt happier. Whenever she's not in class she spends her time with Violet, feeling her contentment flourish with every kiss and touch the two girls share. They become more confident with their affections and though they never explicitly tell the group, it doesn't take long for everyone to put two and two together and figure out Violet and Clementine are together.

There is one thing that has been playing on Clementine's mind though, wherever she looks she finds Minerva. She'll head to the girl's bathroom only to spot Minerva applying red lipstick in the mirror, watching Clementine keenly in the reflection of the glass. Clementine will take a tray and get in the queue at the cafeteria only to turn to her left and see the redhead staring her down. It's almost like Minerva is following her around the college, lingering around like an unwanted bad smell.

Clementine is finding it harder and harder to keep pretending that this isn't driving her insane and as she sits down next to Louis and her girlfriend the Friday before Violet's birthday, she's reaching the end of her tether.

"I swear Minerva is following me around," Clementine says with an exasperated sigh as she crosses her arms over her chest. Louis offers a sympathetic smile as he continues to dig into his lunch, Violet, on the other hand, rolls her eyes and swears slightly.

"I really didn't think she'd be this persistent Clem, I'm sorry" Violet knows she isn't exactly telling the truth, she hoped that Minerva wouldn't be like this but a part of her knew that if Violet ever found herself in a relationship, Minerva would always be difficult.

Violet looks at the scowl that's painted on Clementine's face and then to the redhead across the room. Minerva is keenly watching the small gathering of friends and as she feels Violet's gaze settle on her, she winks. Violet quickly looks away, even months after it's all concluded she's still intimated by the hold Minerva has over her.

"Please tell me she's not coming to the party at your house next week Louis?" says Clementine as she confidently takes Violet's hand, drawing her attention back to her girlfriend and away from Minerva's stare.

"I didn't say anything to her about it" replies Louis between mouthfuls, "I invited Sophie and told her not to say anything."

Violet shifts uncomfortably in her seat feeling slightly better with Clementine's fingers laced between her own, "will Sophie say anything?" Violet's kidding herself if she thinks that Minerva won't find a way to weasel into the party, she's not stupid.

"I doubt it," says Clementine, "Sophie and Minerva may be close but she's pretty trustworthy," Clementine wishes that the redhead would leave them be, it's less than a week till Violet's 20th birthday and the brunette wants this to be the only thing that occupies her thoughts.

Louis lifts his water bottle to his lips, screwing the cap tight before directing his attention back to the girls "you excited for the weekend away Clem?" he asks, "Violet's never brought a date with her before."

Violet rolls her eyes and kicks at Louis under the table, the boy feigns agony and holds his hand over his chest in shock, Clementine stifles a laugh, "yeah, I am excited, thank you for inviting me, Vi." Violet smiles at her girlfriend quickly forgetting how much Louis loves to wind her up.

"Of course you're coming, I'll go crazy if I'm stuck with him alone all weekend," she says gesturing at Louis, the boy shrugs his shoulders and smiles.

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