Part Thirteen | As Long As I Have The Stars

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Clementine struggles to sleep that night and as the early hours of Saturday roll around she's still tossing and turning in her bed, unable to relax due to the anticipation that coursed through her bloodstream. She sits up in bed and checks her alarm clock, it's barely gone 8 am. Usually, Clementine would have a lie in on the weekend but not today, not when her date with Violet is inching closer with every new minute that ticks by on the clock face.

She turns on her side in bed pressing her head into the soft pillow. She finds herself thinking back to the night she shared this bed with Violet, sleeping alone has felt empty and cold without Violet lying next to her. She stretches out her fingertips tracing the linin sheet where Violet once rested, just the memory of her girlfriend once being here makes her feel content.

Her heart flutters in her chest as she closed her eyes in contentment. A soft knock on the other side of the door rouses her and she sits up in bed, clutching the duvet covers up underneath her chin. "come in," she states, yawning through the words as she rubs the sleep from her eyes.

Lee appears around the edge of the door. He smiles at his daughter before speaking, "I'm taking AJ out to the park, I'll be back midday."

"Oh okay," Clementine answers, her voice is croaky with sleep. She clears her throat and looks back to her dad who's still standing awkwardly in the doorway.

"You got any plans today or is it just getting work done?" he asks, Clementine feels her mouth fall open, this is it, she's going to have to tell Lee about her date. She can tell he knows something is up, he's got one eyebrow raised with a smirk accompanying it.

"Actually," says Clementine as she lowers the covers to her waist, "I'm going on a date later." Lee's other eyebrow raises as well and he nods.

"With Louis right?" he states.

Clementine furrows her eyebrows in misunderstanding wondering where her dad got that idea from, "Er no," she corrects, watching a look of confusion wash over Lee's face. She takes a deep breath in and out before speaking again.

"It's with Violet" she finally says, she tenses only for a moment before feeling relieved when Lee smiles at her.

"Miss Adlon?" Lee asks, Clementine unconsciously smiles as her dad mentions her girlfriend's name before nodding curtly.

"Ah, she's lovely, I hope you two have a nice time tonight," says Lee with a smile, he gives his daughter one last lingering look before exiting her room and heading down the landing.

Clementine bites her lip as she smiles to herself, she feels giddy and free knowing that she doesn't have to hide herself or her relationships or sexuality from her family. Clementine falls back onto the pillow, her loose hair curls around her face like a mane, she squeals to no one but herself as she struggles to contain her excitement. She's not sure how she ended up this lucky.


By the time 6 pm has rolled around Clementine has already been ready for around two hours, she sits in front of her dresser as she applies the finishing touches to her makeup. She turns the glass bottles of her nail polish around in their containers while she counts down the time until Violet arrives.

It's 5:52 pm. Eight minutes to go.

She pulls on her black leather jacket and tilts her head as she fixes her earrings. Beneath the table, her leg taps urgently against the carpet as her nerves buzz and crackle.

Her phone buzzes and she quickly picks the mobile up almost disappointed to see that it's Brody who's texted her and not Violet announcing her arrival.

Brody: I hear you're out on a date tonight? ;) x

Clementine: Yeah, Vi should be here any minute actually :) x

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