Part Five | I Remember

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"I wanna play truth or dare" Brody shouts pulling herself out of the hot tub, Violet and Clementine follow her, Clem catches Brody's towel just as it begins to slip off her and she quickly wraps it tightly around the teen. "Nooo" Brody moans "it's cold and wet, I want it off."

"You're naked underneath though Brody" Violet sniggers, tripping and regaining her balance as she misses the step onto the wooden terrace. The boys have since gotten dressed, previously lost in conversation until they hear the girl's approach.

"I don't care, do you know how nice it feels to not be... um" she trips over her words trying to find the one she's looking for "anxious!" she yells happily, "I don't give a shit if I'm naked."

"You will give a shit in the morning," Clementine counters settling on a sun lounger next to Violet.

Brody ignores this and turns to Mitch "We're playing truth or dare" she states "I'll go first, I dare Brody..-"

"You can't dare yourself, babe," Marlon says. Brody ignores him and continues her monologue.

"I dare Brody to go skinny dipping" she pauses looking at the horrifying faces of those around her, "okay Brody," she says answering herself before standing, dropping her towel and sprinting towards Louis's large swimming pool only wearing her underwear.

The group watch her go open-mouthed and shocked, Mitch has a smile on his face but one look from Marlon and it quickly disappears. Brody leaps into the pool sending litres of water high into the air, she's underwater for a while and Violet, Clementine and Marlon all stand, slightly concerned for their friend.

Brody raises a hand in the air proudly waving her underwear high above her head she treads water, splashing loudly as she tries to keep her head above the water.

"Holy shit" Violet laughs, "She's completely off her face."

Marlon grabs a nearby dry towel and quickly makes his way to the pool, calling Brody to the edge and then pulling her from the pool once she reaches the tiles. He wraps her in a towel to cover her nakedness while she laughs manically, "I think it's bedtime for you" he says guiding her towards the house.

"Byyyee" Brody calls to the others seated by the pool still shocked by Brody's drunken behaviour, "I love you all!" she cries before Marlon pulls her through the door to the house.

Mitch looks back to the remaining few seated on the sun loungers "That was awesome" he says with a smirk, "why isn't she that confident all the time."

"Cos she isn't wasted all the time" Louis replies.

Mitch looks at Violet and Clementine who are seated opposite him, he notices how Clementine has her legs draped over Violet's lap, the brunette shivers and Violet grabs her flannel. She turns to her friend and slips the material onto Clementine's shoulders, trying her hardest to button it up, her fingers tremble under the influence of alcohol, they smile sweetly at each other and Mitch raises an eyebrow.

"Right" he states getting up and retrieving a bottle of tequila and the salt shaker off the floor, "Last shot of the night then bed, let's make it a memorable one, Louis do you have your cards on you."

"Always" Louis replies rifling through his jean pocket and producing a pack of playing cards with a grin.

Clementine groans, she knows she's going to wake up with the worst headache already, the idea of taking a fourth tequila shot on top of all the vodka she's had through the night makes her stomach churn.

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