Part Thirty-Four | Inner Fissure

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The air was a shrilling cold around the near pitch-black surroundings that brought an ominous mood over to Clementine as she looked around, in a dazed and confused state while she hugged her arms close to herself. Trying to figure out what had been going on at all.

One moment she was back with Violet, as per usual. But now she was stuck in what looked to be a plumed abyss that seemed to go on endlessly, with a lack of colour or sight even registering to her at all. Only her senses remained. The ringing in her ears and the rate of her heartbeat started to increase, sending adrenaline and blood coursing through her body like she was running in the Olympics. The hum of sound around her running through both of her ears as it seemed to only make her dazed state worse and worse. Even if it was all a dream or a nightmare.

She looked through the blank black world, almost like a thick ink was plastered through her eyes to purposefully blind her from the real world, to tear her away from a reality she actually registered. Or as though a blindfold was placed over her, creating the thin wall between her and waking up to see Violet again. Even in her scrapings and scratches of problems caused by Minerva and her stress only expelling through that, it didn't mean she wanted to be trapped in her own nightmare she couldn't force herself to wake up from.

Clementine almost felt like there was a lump in her throat as she took an airy step forward. Her heart stopping for a moment as she felt literally nothing beneath a foot she couldn't see, it was as if she was supposed to plummet, but simply couldn't. Feeling the anxiousness of when or if it'd even happen as she stared at what she thought was downwards. The similar fissures and abysses filling her eyes like thick oil. Spreading throughout and causing everything she thought she'd see in a dream to slick away from her grasp when it wasn't even there to begin with.

The humming only seemed to get louder and louder as Clementine's heartbeat practically matched it in a tune. Nearly getting to the point of where she truly thought it was deafening until a voice pierced through it all. Striking at her with the new sound at first, and then the words that brought her heart down a notch, not in fear, but guilt.

"What? Hoping that you'd be back home? Back with Violet? I doubt that'll happen after you realize what you're doing."

Clementine whirled around, trying to listen to where the sound was coming from. Hearing the echoes all around her with the stinging words she'd bottled down for so long, only for her to drown in them now. She knew it was only herself telling her this, she knew it had to be true, and no matter how many times she'd tried to deny it, her fears may have been coming true.

The voice was her own, she knew that. She believed that. A twisted turn of believing herself as the words ripped through her ears again. Telling her what she didn't want to believe, but something that had to be true.

"You're using her. You're no different or better than Minerva. And it only proves that point when I have to be the one to tell you this!"

Clementine felt her heart drop. Her breath hitching in the bottom of her throat like the slick of truth was choking her. She knew Violet deserved better than Minerva than what she'd gone through especially with her dad being the way he was. And now Minerva seemed to take advantage of that... maybe Clementine wasn't any better after all.

Maybe she was abusing the situation too. Maybe she was the real cause of all of Violet's current problems and stress that was on top of her. That Minerva's targeting of them was really because of her. After all, she had pined after Clementine more and more than the two could've ever imagined. Maybe if Clementine was out of the picture herself, Violet wouldn't be caught in the pain she'd gone through prior. Or the resurgence it brought along with it.

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