Party Forty-Two | Why Are You So Empty?

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When Clementine arrives on the first floor of the university, Minerva has vanished from her spot overlooking the lunch hall.

Clementine frowns as she looks out at the corridor far ahead. A few students are chatting by the lockers, none of whom pay Clementine any attention as she slowly picks her way down the hall.

Stepping past an adjoining hallway the brunette slows her pace, about to check the darkened corridor before a hand grabs her arm and pulls her roughly into the dimmed area. Clementine yelps at the unexpected action and shoves away the arm that grabbed her. Blinking in the poorly lit corridor at Minerva who stands in front of her like a wedge in the way of her freedom.

"Jesus Minerva," says Clementine as she rubs her arm, already feeling a soft bruise forming where Minerva's nails dug viciously into her skin. "Seriously what is your problem? I'm getting sick of tip-toeing around you and having to go through this same routine every time we try and talk it out."

"I'm past talking," growls the older girl, taking one step closer to Clementine. The brunette swallows and takes a step back, she feels the cold hard bite of the lockers press up against her and realises that she can't get any further away from Minerva.

The redhead takes a moment to relish in Clementine's anxiety at being pinned at the entrance to a corridor where her friends can't watch their discussion or hear her call for help. "You told your dad about me," Minerva says voice void of emotion, though her angry stare carries a clear message.

"Of course I did," says Clementine defiantly as she frowns and crosses her arms across her chest. "In case you didn't notice you're making my life a living hell Minerva."

"So you grassed me up?" questions Minerva as her scowl grows and she takes a step closer. "Now your dad is 'monitoring' me and threatening to take me off the course, all because you can't take a joke!"

"It's not a joke though is it!" exclaims Clementine angrily, "you're actively trying to ruin my life because Violet moved on and chose me over you. You can't think what you're doing is just a series of 'jokes', surely you're not that stupid."

Minerva rolls her eyes in response.

"Look, are we done here?" says Clementine as she frowns and looks towards the well-lit corridor to her right. Back to the comforting sounds of teenagers laughing and gossiping in the main hall. "I'm fed up of this repetitive charade."

Minerva's face turns from emotionless to furious in a second and she quickly grabs the hem of Clementine's shirt, slamming the younger girl forcefully against the lockers. The brunette yelps at the sudden force, instinctively attempting to pry Minerva's hands off her shirt.

"This is all your fault you know," says Minerva, moving one hand from the fabric of Clementine's jumper and pressing it hard into the soft skin of her abdomen. She takes in the look of horror in the younger girls face and jabs her finger hard against the scarred and wounded flesh.

Clementine cries out as she feels a pang of pain radiate through her, her plead for help quickly becoming stifled as Minerva's hand moves up from her torso to cover her mouth. "Listen here, if you hadn't gotten with Violet, if you hadn't interfered none of this would have happened. You ruined everything for me, so this is what you deserve."

Tears well in Clementine's eyes from the pain that pulses around her lower abdomen, she's aware of the weak tissue burning hot and desperately hopes that Minerva hasn't seriously hurt her. "Why did Violet pick you?" says the redhead with a sneer as she takes in the liquid brimming in the younger girls brunette irises, "you're pathetic," she says, slowly removing unwrapping her fingers from Clementine's mouth and digging her fingernails into her arm instead.

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