Part Three | These Feelings of Mine

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As she attempts to get to her feet Violet falters, reaching her arm out in an effort to grab onto anything to stop her falling back down. Clementine shakes her head and she can't help but laugh at her friend as she watches Violet noticing her white crop top has risen up, it's now showing a glimpse of her toned midriff.

"I'm a little bit drunk" Violet giggles finally righting herself sitting on the arm of the sofa and dropping her shoulders as she relaxes.

"You're a virgin" Clementine breathes suddenly opening her eyes wide as she realises what she's just said. She brings her hand to her face as she curses herself for saying that out loud.

"So are you apparently" Violet states calmly, completely unshaken by Clementine's outburst. "Thought you lost it when you were with Gabe."

"No, thank god" Clementine stands as well, wobbling slightly on her feet as she makes her way to sit by Violet's side. Dropping down onto the sofa she lets out a sigh. Clementine observes Violet who seemed in a drunk enough state that tomorrow her memories of today may just be hazy memories of party games and long stares. She wanted to pour out her emotions to the blonde, to tell her everything about her relationship so she does. "I liked Gabe, and well" she blushes "we did stuff, we just didn't go all the way, I didn't want to lose my virginity to him." Violet listens, quietly picking at the threads in her ripped jeans unsure what to say next.

Minutes pass with no words exchanged between the two as Clementine trains her eyes on the window to Louis's back garden. Steam from the hot tub and smoke from cigarettes clouds the window but between the wisps, Clementine can make out flashing lights, water erupting into the air and the bodies of people as they lean against the house their voices a low hum as they chatter nonsensically.

"I'm not with Minerva."

Violet's voice is small and quiet, and it echoes through the large room. Clementine can't bring herself to look at Violet as her face is burning red, she's not sure if it's from relief or anxiety that there's nothing holding back her feelings anymore, she can let them free. The material of the sofa creaks slightly as Violet slides of the arm of the chair and onto the cushion next to Clementine.

Her blonde hair falls to frame her face and she looks at the ground. She pauses before speaking once more "I know that's what you're thinking."

Clementine doesn't know what to say, is this happening? is Violet just setting the record straight or is she hinting at something more to Clem?

"It looked like you were when you were dancing before," even though she speaks the words quietly Clementine hates how jealous she sounds, she curses herself for being so brash.

"Probably because we have done stuff" Violet states, Clementine shoots her a look that the blonde reads straight away, "Don't be jealous Clem, in my eyes we've never had sex, it's mostly just kissing." Clementine silently seethes at her worst thoughts coming true, Violet and Minerva kissing, being intimate enough to touch and be that close even if they haven't done anything more.

Clementine is also confused by Violet's statement, don't be jealous Clem, does Violet care that she's jealous. Does this mean she's aware of Clementine's flirting? Of her feelings? Clementine's head spins as she tries to grapple with these revelations.

"It started years ago Clem when I came out as gay and my dad kicked me out. I was lonely, I needed more than just a hug. I just wanted intimacy, to feel wanted for once in my life. After that Minerva was almost like a lifejacket for me, when things got hard I'd run back to her, I found comfort in her kisses because she felt so familiar," Violet lifts her gaze from the floor and meets Clementine's eyes, she offers a small smile. "Shit, sorry" she mutters, "I know you probably don't want to hear that."

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