Part Forty | Don't Look Back, The Future is Ahead

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"So where are we going now?" questions Clementine as she lowers herself back into the passenger seat, glancing at the darkening sky outside of the car. Frowning to herself as she assumes that the date must be coming to an end, and Violet must be taking her home.

Violet settles in the driver's seat and remains quiet while she taps her fingertips against the satnav built in to the car. Clementine watches her with a quizzical expression on her face. "Vi?" she questions, drawing the blonde's attention, "where are we going?"

"Oh," says Violet with a smile as she sets the route on the satnav, "just the final part of this date."

Clementine grins and settles in her seat, "I didn't realise this was a date, I just thought this was an outing," she says as she takes Violet's hand. The blonde locks eyes with her girlfriend for a few moments, letting her shoulders drop and the corner of her lips upturn in a smile.

"I'd like to take you on a proper date, but I know you're still healing so I settled on a more simple idea," says Violet as she releases the brake and presses down on the accelerator. Clementine smiles to herself as the growing speed of the car forces her back against the leather seats.

"So where are we going then?" asks Clementine once again with a coy smile on her mouth.

"Shh nosey," says Violet with a grin as she flits her eyes between the road ahead and her girlfriend curled up against the window by her side. "It's a surprise."

The brunette presses her cheek against the glass as she watches the world go by for a few moments. She lifts her gaze and looks up at the darkness that's collecting in the basin of the sky. Tall buildings and clusters of trees stand out as black silhouette's against the dark blue sky, and Clementine furrows her eyebrows as she registers the amount of time that's passed and the lateness of the day.

"Er Vi," she questions the younger woman as she studies Violet's sharp features, "isn't it getting a bit late?

"This surprise is happening at night," says Violet as she keeps her eyes locked on the road ahead.

A thought passes through Clementine's mind as she digests Violet's words. "Are you talking about what I think you are?" she asks tentatively, lowering her voice as she continues to speak. "You know the doctor hasn't cleared me for sex yet."

Violet exhales and rolls her eyes as she chuckles beneath her breath, "I wasn't talking about that Clem," she replies with a small smile. "Just wait and see, we'll be there soon anyway." The brunette sighs as she admires her girlfriend, suddenly not caring anymore that it's late. She'd go anywhere with Violet, as long as their together.

Clementine shrugs her shoulders in acceptance and smiles to herself as she strokes her fingertips across the slightly swollen skin of her stomach. Between the twists and turns in the road, Violet looks over to her girlfriend, admiring her beauty despite her current state of ill health. She's slightly paler than usual, but her eyes still burn with intensity, her skin is still smooth and her brunette ringlets shine under the low light of the streetlamps they pass under.

"I don't really have the smartest clothes," says the brunette suddenly looking down at her casual and loose-fitting outfit, worry mars her face. "I hope that doesn't matter for where we're going."

"Nope," replies Violet almost without hesitation. Clementine looks once more at Violet and raises one eyebrow, wondering what on earth her girlfriend's got planned.

Eventually, the car turns down a quiet road and Clementine rolls down the window as she listens to the hum of noise radiating from a nearby area. She turns her gaze back to Violet, watching as the blonde flits her eyes between the satnav and the road ahead, they must be getting close to their destination.

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