Part Nine | Confrontation

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As the bell rings signalling the end of class Clementine feels the irritation that's been building in her stomach reach its peak, she purposefully takes her time in packing her books away leaning below her desk to re-tie her shoelaces as she waits for the room to empty. She sits back up just in time to see Minerva pass her desk clutching a packet of cigarettes in her hand, Clementine makes eye contact with the redhead who tilts her head towards the direction of the door and raises her eyebrow.

"Yes, I'll be there," Clementine says with spite running through her words as she clenches her teeth. Minerva nods giving Clementine a condescending up and down glance before she walks off. Clementine rolls her eyes and stands, walking down the stairs to meet Louis who's waiting by the door.

"You alright sweetpea? You seemed a bit distracted in class." Lee stands as he calls after his daughter.

Clementine turns to face her father and offers him a smile, "I'm fine dad, sorry I slept badly last night" She lingers awkwardly by the door wanting to go and get this conversation with Minerva over and done with, "I've got to go dad, I'll see you after school."

Without looking back at her father she swings the door open and enters the wide open corridors which are mostly empty now as students file towards to the cafeteria for lunch. Louis hoists his bag over his shoulder as he hurries to meet Clementine's pace, "where are you going in such a rush Clementine?" he asks as he catches up to the brunette, "are you that eager to see Violet" he leans over and gently knocks her shoulder slightly throwing her off balance.

Clementine regains her balance and shoots him a look; Louis catches on that she's visibly annoyed at something and drops his goofy persona. The boy slows down and Clementine turns around to see why he's stopped, "are you going to see Minerva?" he asks hesitantly.

"Yes. I know I said that she wasn't worth my time but she's driving me insane and we've only been at school for two hours, I have to say something to her." Clementine looks back to Louis who gestures to the entrance to the cafeteria where the rest of their friends are probably waiting for them.

Clementine takes a few steps towards him, closing the distance between them and lowering her voice as the group of girls Minerva was with during the class brush past Louis and Clementine. "Don't tell Violet, Minerva has caused her enough shit and I don't want her to stress about this. I'm just going to tell Minerva to back off."

"Clem..." Louis says unsure about this, "why don't I come with you?"

"I'll be two minutes, grab me a bottle of water would you?" Clementine says as she beings to walk away, heading to the front doors of the college.

Louis shrugs his shoulders understanding that he'll never be able to stop Clementine from being strong-willed and independent. He watches the brunette exit the front doors and hopes that Minerva will back down and leave Clementine and Violet to explore their relationship, a niggling feeling bites down at the back of his throat as something tells him this won't be the case.

Clementine storms out of the college doors and heads to the smoking area where she knows Minerva will be waiting for her, a few other students linger beneath the steel rooftop verandas smoking and chatting but to Clementine their only blurred shapes as she focuses on the one person she's here for.

Minerva leans casually against the brick wall holding a lit cigarette between her index and middle finger, she's looking at her phone screen scrolling through something, completely unaware that Clementine is storming towards her. A thin plume of smoke wafts from the end of the cigarette and as she waits for the brunette Minerva taps her fingers against the roll-up knocking the loose ash from its tip.

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