Part Forty-Three | Karma

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"It's going to be fine. I promise," assures Violet as she holds tightly onto Clementine's hand.

The brunette looks up at Violet, still holding a wad of tissues to her upper lip, hoping that the pressure will staunch the flow of blood that slowly ebbs from her nose. She frowns and looks past Violet at Minerva who's sitting on the other side of the small office, arms folded across her chest as she eyes Violet up and down.

The blonde looks at Minerva from the corner of her eye, furrowing her eyebrows as she glares at the redhead before looking back to Clementine and feeling her face soften.

Minerva goes to say something but the creaking of the door swinging open on its hinges halts her train of thought. Instead, she slumps back in her seat and inspects the nail polish chipping off the ends of her fingernails.

All three young adults turn to glance at the door, watching as Mr Everett enters his office and slowly walks around to the desk. Leaning against the wooden furniture, he clears his throat and lets his eyes settle on his daughter.

"Clementine," he says sternly, yet still with a touch of softness in his voice. "Please go and see the university nurse, I can talk to you about all of this later."

Clementine nods and loosens her grip on Violet's hand, knowing that arguing with her father is pointless. She looks at her girlfriend and furrows her eyebrows in worry as she gets to her feet.

As she walks towards the exit she lets her hand trace along Violet's shoulder, just as a final comforting gesture before she swings open the door and heads into the busy hallways of Ericson's. Her free hand is still pressed against her abdomen.

Mr Everett clears his throat and looks at the two remaining girls sitting as far apart from each other as they can. Violet's looking at the teacher, waiting patiently for him to speak, letting her eyes occasionally wander to her hands which are still slightly bloody from attempting to help Clementine.

Minerva, on the other hand, is slouched in her chair, occasionally she sighs loudly, shifting only in her seat to check her nails or look at the clock on the wall. It's clear that attending this meeting is low on her list of interests.

Walking around the desk Mr Everett pulls his chair out and takes a seat, resting his elbows on the desk and clasping his hands together. The atmosphere is heavy around them and Violet leans forward in her chair, heart-pumping adrenaline through her body as she wills the silence to break.

"Miss Leigh," begins Mr Everett, directing his attention to the redhead sitting to his left. "You don't seem to be taking this meeting very seriously. Can you please look at me?" he demands.

Minerva sighs dramatically and with an eye roll she looks over at Violet, leaving her gaze on the younger girl before begrudgingly meeting her teachers stare. The blonde looks to her feet, the intense and aggressive stare she'd just received burned into her mind.

"Don't really know why I'm here sir," she states, playing the fool.

"Miss Leigh," continues Mr Everett, still directing his words at her. "After we last spoke I would have expected to see an improvement in your behaviour, and yet I turn down a corridor to see you fighting with Miss Adlon and my own daughter."

"Okay," says the redhead, "there was a small fight, but I swear I didn't start it, sir."

Mr Everett raises his eyebrow, encouraging Minerva to continue talking. Violet looks at her ex-girlfriend, waiting to hear her explanation for the events of the afternoon.

Minerva casts a glance down at her nails before raising her index finger and pointing at the red mark blooming across her face. "Violet slapped me, for no reason," she exclaims making sure to glare at the blonde sitting on the other side of the cramped office.

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