Part Two | Revelations

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Clementine followed Violet as she wandered over to the group, now she was by herself she quickly became aware of how much she missed the girl's body pressed against her own, and how lonely she felt with her hands once more, empty. Grabbing a cushion she seated herself on the floor by the sofa which was crammed with the bodies of Marlon, Brody, and Mitch who were pushing and shoving each other as they attempted to fit three people onto a two seater sofa. Clementine watched in amusement as Marlon, who by now was exasperated pulled a very drunk Brody onto his lap leaving space for Mitch to finally get comfy.

"Right" Louis exclaimed making sure everyone was sitting down, "The game tonight is never have I ever. Remember no lying, I'll know if you lie."

"Oh god" Ruby murmured shaking her head as Louis passed her a drink. Reaching out for her own Clementine locked eyes with Violet across the circle. Minerva was whispering something into her ear, but Violet refused to acknowledge her only paying attention to Clementine, which made Clem's heart swell.

"First question," Louis said, a devious smile playing on his face as he looked at his friends in the circle wondering which one he would throw under the bus "Never have I ever had a one night stand." Mitch shrugged and took a swig from his beer bottle, Clementine rolled her eyes, a blind man could have seen Mitch drink to that. From the corner of her eye, she caught a glimpse of Sophie clenching her jaw. Mitch lowered his bottle and a collective silence fell over the group as each member scanned the circle to see if anyone else would confess.

From the opposing side of the circle, Minerva shrugged her shoulders and drank, leaving the boys whooping and demanding details, Clementine sighed with reassurance to see that Violet's drink sat at her feet untouched. Most of the group were approaching their 19th or 20th birthdays and the burning desire that came with teenage hormones had left its mark on a number of people here. As she glanced around the circle she recalled the many stories about the first sexual encounters and drunken experiences from most of the members in the gang, but she never recalled hearing Violet's story, though with Louis's game of choice she may hear it tonight.

She traced her fingers along the outside of her glass drawing in the condensation, absentmindedly she wondered if she even wanted to hear Violet's story. If her first time was with Minerva as gossip had suggested she didn't know if she wanted to hear it. Imagining Minerva kissing Violet, slowly taking off her clothes and gently laying her down while Violet kisses her back, her fingers tousled in Minerva's red hair forces a surge of jealousy to flair through Clementine's body. She pushes those images from her head and desperately hopes those rumours are just rumours.

"Let's see," Minerva slurs picking up the pace of the game as she thinks of a question. Clementine knows Minerva is a rebellious girl, almost the complete opposite of Clementine who has had less than a handful of experiences, none of those with women. She wonders if Violet is more attracted to someone who has lived adventurously through their youth, or if someone who is inexperienced yet eager to please is more her type, someone like Clementine.

The redhead finally finds her words and sits up to deliver her line, "Never have I ever gotten straight A's at Ericson's." she shoots a smirk at her twin sister Sophie, who promptly flips her off before taking a drink. Across the room both Brody and Ruby proudly raise their glasses before drinking, acknowledging their good grades and hard work. Louis also raises his beer bottle and takes a swig, Brody raises her eyebrows at Louis who's favourite thing to do seemed to be partying, not studying.

"When you parents bribe you with expensive gifts you make sure you get straight A's" he explains, Louis glances at Clementine who still hadn't taken a drink. "Thought you were also a straight-A student Clem? What happened there?" he questioned, taking another sip of his beer.

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