Part Seven | Anticipation and Hesitation

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Clementine enters her house to find a note scrawled on the kitchen counter from her father stating that he's taken AJ to the local park and will be back around 12, Clementine checks her phone and is relieved to see it's only just turned 9:45 am.

The remnants of her hangover still linger in her limbs and head, she rubs her tired eyes and quickly counts the number of hours she'll be able to nap peacefully before her energetic younger brother returns and demands all her time and energy.

Clementine climbs the stairs and turns down the hallway, opening the door to her room she throws her bag to the floor and shrugs off her jeans, simultaneously pulling the t-shirt over her head. She makes a mental note to wash it and return it to Louis the next time she sees him. The brunette gets under the duvet, snuggling beneath the warm covers and sighing at the comfort of finally being home after the wild and unexpected events of the weekend.

She wakes hours later feeling dehydrated but finally over her hangover, from downstairs she can hear the AJ shouting and the voice of her father talking to someone on the phone. She rolls onto her side and reaches within the covers to find her mobile, scrolling through the texts she has received throughout the morning. Most are from Louis demanding updates about the state of Clementine and Violet's 'relationship' but one from Violet herself catches her eye and her fingers fumble as she quickly opens the message.

Violet: Just wanted to let you know that last night was wonderful, I haven't felt this way about a girl for a long time, I hope you feel the same. X

Clementine smiles then suddenly panics when she sees the text was sent nearly an hour ago, the last thing she wants Violet to think is that she's ignoring her.

Clementine: Sorry Vi, I was taking a nap. I do feel the same, I can't wait to see where this goes x

Clementine sets her phone back down only to have it vibrate once more almost immediately, a smile breaks across Clementine's face as she bites her lip in anticipation.

Violet: I'm so glad x

The rest of Clementine's weekend rushes by as she's carried on a wave on her happiness, she continues to text with Violet, and they share a number of meaningless comments and memories that strengthen their feelings for each other. On Sunday night as Clementine settles down to eat dinner with her family she can barely keep still and it's something that both Lee and AJ pick up on.

"What's got you so excited sweetpea?" Lee asks, passing Clementine a bowl of pasta before taking a seat at the head of the table, across from her AJ eagerly gets stuck into his spaghetti.

"Nothing, I'm just excited to go to Ericson's tomorrow," Clementine says as she winds her fork around a spool of spaghetti hoping that the subject will change when she realises how weird her sentence sounded. Especially for a girl of eighteen, nine months into her college degree who's done nothing but complain about the majority of her course so far.

Lee raises his eyebrows "you're excited to go to college? He questions, Clementine simply nods keeping her eyes on her plate before realising that her father is staring at her with a smirk on his face, she puts down the fork.

"I hate school" AJ pipes up, his face is smeared with pasta sauce as he frowns at his older sister, "it's boring, why are you excited?" Clementine bites her lip as she tries to think of a way to change the direction of the conversation.

Lee smiles at his son, "well, maybe Clementine is excited because she has a two-hour history lecture with me tomorrow." Clementine rolls her eyes exaggerating the gesture so both Lee and AJ notice.

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