37. Thomas (The End)

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"Thomas?" We all froze instantly as her voice echoed through the hall. I looked back to see her standing there looking confused. "What are you doing here?" Virgil's eyes narrowed as I slowly walked away from them. I didn't get closer to her though. I just stood by myself. Watching... waiting... The confusion built as Virgil turned around too. This rage in her eyes ignited and I wanted to yell. "I thought you were dead." I watched silently as she reached behind her and my breath caught in my chest. "Chris informed me that he had killed you." Virgil just laughed, pushing Roman behind him.

"Yeah well, death doesn't stick with me." I narrowed my eyes as Aemilia smiled. "Chris should've waited before sending that text... just to make sure."

"Yes, He should've." Aemilia said smiling. Even Virgil could sense something was wrong. Her hand moved and she just laughed. "I won't make the same mistake." There was a sudden blast and I froze up as the sound of a gunshot. My whole body shaking at the memory. I looked over to see Aemilia pointing a gun straight forward and Virgil on the ground. A bullet to the forehead.

"VIRGIL!" Roman screamed out and I had to force myself to remain still. Tears already falling at the pain, Roman had no doubt reciprocated. He was shaking. I could see how bright his eyes glowed red and I frowned. No matter how strong he is can't kill her. And I won't do it myself... He looked over at me to see my broken expression and his face fell. I couldn't look away from the man on the floor. There was barely any blood but the soulless look in his open unblinking eyes was enough to make me sick. She actually did it. Sh-She killed him. She...

"Thomas?" I looked over to see her smiling and I wanted to scream. "Why are you crying?"

"Why am I... You killed Virgil." Her eyes narrowed and she looked back over at her brother with cold unseeing eyes. "Aemilia..."

"You should be happy Thomas? After what he did? What he made you do?" Roman looked over at me with narrowed eyes. I just shook my head in disbelief.  Roman looked like was about ready to snap. I don't blame him. I was too. "All those bad dreams... A-An the attacks... He just left you. HE DESERVED TO DIE!"

"YOU SICK BITCH!" Roman screamed out as the earth shook beneath him. I cringed at the sound of another shot. I looked over fully expecting Roman to be dead too but he wasn't there. "I'm going to make you pay for taking him from me." Aemilia spun around but before she could fire again Roman pushed her arm up into the air. Bits of ceiling fell on top of them and Aemilia's eyes went wide. She ripped her hands free and shoved them both into his chest creating this blast of ice. Roman just narrowed his eyes as if unfazed. Actually, he really was unfazed. Ice covered his chest and arms from the attack but Roman just stretched himself out. "Nice try." She screamed out in rage setting the place ablaze with electricity. I had to jump back to not get hit but Roman didn't even flinch. "You're gonna have to do a lot better than..." His eyes went wide as he looked down to see a knife in his side. 

"How about that?" She pulled away leaving the knife lodged into him and Roman laughed.

"How about that, huh?" He gripped the handle wincing in pain as he slowly pulled it out. Blood poured onto his white shirt staining it red. I was in shock. He lifted the shirt enough to show the wound already practically healed and he laughed. "I'm not that easy to kill."

"Yeah, but you can still die." This ice chilling shock came over the room as we all slowly turned to see Virgil cracking his neck. We watched as he slowly stood up swaying a bit before brushing his hair back. He looked up towards his own forehead grimacing as he placed a hesitant hand where the shot wound once was. "Let me handle this." Roman frowned stepping away and Virgil laughed. "Ok, Roman?"

"HOW?! HOW ARE YOU STILL ALIVE?" Aemilia freaked out firing the gun over and over again hitting Virgil every time in the chest, shoulder, and gut, until it clicked indicating the mag was officially empty. Virgil just smiled as he brushed himself off, bullets falling to the floor as he straightened himself out.

"I told you. Death just does want to stick." His smile fell real and his eyes started to glow. Aemila was out of bullets. She lost her knife because she just had to stab Roman with it. And was out of luck when it came to powers. Roman was immune and Virgil was stronger than her. I could see from the fear in her eyes she knew she was shit out of luck. She was backing up desperately trying to keep away from her brother. She was looking at me with tears in her eyes begging me... pleading that I save her. The only thing I did was look away. Virgil held his arms out and I watched as these black and white balls began to form around him. Aemilia cried out for me and I could see the pain in Virgil's eyes. He looked over at me and I covered my mouth to hold back the choked sobs. This... This isn't Aemilia. This isn't the same sweet innocent girl. I broke that girl and in her place, this rageful one stood. This is best. This is how I can save her. This is how I can finally end her pain...

By not doing a damn thing.

Aemilia tried to attack. She shot ice and lightning at her brother but Roman just sighed holding his hand out and I watched as the attacks froze before ever meeting its mark. She was powerless against them. She shot me one last desperate look and my breathing just about stopped. Virgil shot crossed his arms, palms down, and I watched as the balls all fired at her and in one split second the fear in her was so palpable my body moved on it's one. I caught her just as she started to fall. 

"Aemilia..." She smiled as she looked up at me. I just watched as my tears fell onto her cheek. "I-I'm sorry."

"You didn't... You didn't save me this time." Her voice was broken and the world melted away around me. It was her me and her... alone till the end. 

"This is me saving you." Her eyes lit up and I held her small hand in close against my cheek. "It's ok, bug. It's going to ok." I looked up to see Virgil watching with a worried look and I smiled. I brushed the hair out of her eyes ignoring the blood that was pooling around us. "I'm not going to you."

"Y-You p-promise?" I nodded and watched as her breathing became erratic. Her gripped weakening and I could no longer hold back the sobs.

"I made a promise to Aemilia." I held her tighter and watched as her eyes started to drop, her smile never lessening one bit. "I will never ever leave you again..." My grip on her hand loosened just enough to let her hand fall to the floor and I frowned seeing her smile finally die... seeing her finally die. "... not till the end, right Bug?"

"Thomas?" I looked up to see Virgil holding back his own tears and I smiled sadly. Roman placed a reassuring hand on my shoulder... but I didn't move. I couldn't... not yet. Not until I...

"Goodbye, Aemilia."

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