11. Virgil

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"Virgil?" I looked over to see Emmy standing beside my bed and I smiled. "Did you meet up with Thomas again?" 

"Yes, I did." She smiled brightly and I frowned. She doesn't know. She doesn't know Thomas is a vampire. She jumped up onto the bed and I laughed pulling her in. "How are you today, Emmy?"

"Tired..." I could tell. She kept rubbing her eyes and yawning. I smiled as I moved over letting her lay down beside me. I held her tight pulling the blanket up as she snuggled into me. "...thanks... brother."

"Get some sleep." She yawned again before nodding and I just laid there waiting till she fell asleep. She has this heart of gold. I bet you she wouldn't even hesitate to help Thomas regardless of what he was. But that's exactly why I can't tell her. She's just too young. I slowly got up and looked out the window to see the sun high up in the sky. The highest it was going to be in the day... Which meant it was now or never. 

I snuck out of my room and traced my way back to where I knew they kept the blood. It was all for torture or captivity... I hated it. I never wanted to be apart of this. Hurting innocent people simply because they were 'vamps'. Why? I never saw the meaning in it. And I certainly did not enjoy it like the rest of my family. 

I narrowed my eyes as I watched the guards carefully. This was all pointless. Vampires can't be out during the day. They literally burn up. So why are they still guarding the blood? I get thralls. They're human. The sun doesn't bother them but... STILL! I internally groaned at the ridiculousness of this, until the guards finally decided to change out. I quickly ran in searching fruitlessly in the dark for something. I made it to the fridge pretty fast considering I was in the dark. I snagged several bags stuffing them in a tote before running back out front. I froze seeing the new guards standing there. I was stuck. What do I... I narrowed my eyes at this box placed haphazardly on a shelf and I smiled. 

I kicked the shelving causing the box to shift and fall. It made a huge noise as its contents spilled onto the ground. The guards jumped obviously confused and I hid behind the door as the rushed in. I slipped out before the door could close all the way and just started running. The sooner I get out of this place the better. If I get caught with bags of blood I'm dead. They wouldn't care if I'm a Van Helsing. 

I made it usual spot pretty quickly and I smiled. It actually worked. And I didn't have any problems... Why do I feel like something bad is going to happen?

Day turned to night and night turned back to day. But no Thomas. I started to get worried. I held the bag tightly as I slowly made my way back home. My thought going crazy at all the possibilities of why Thomas might not have showed. I was lost in thought I didn't notice the gate open. I didn't notice the gate... or the broken windows... bullet holes... or bodies.

I noticed the smell. 

I looked up and my heart stopped dropping the bag into the blood and dirt. Blood and bodies cover the base top to bottom. My blood literally froze as I suppressed a wave of nausea the sight. Screams... That all I could hear. I rushed past the massacre outside and into the madness that awaited me. 

Screams... And blood... and Bodies... and gunshots. I could hear them over and over. So any shots. You'd think this was a war field. It wasn't. It was a massacre. I pushed through hearing the shot slowly die out into nothing but laughter and I froze. I knew that laugh. I knew that...

"Hello, Dean." I spun around to see a familiar smile turned twisted and grim as he slammed me hard into a wall. 

"T-Thomas?" His wicked grin grew wider as his now ice cold eyes glowed a right crimson. "What... Why?"

"Isn't obvious, Dean?" I cringed hearing him call me that. It used to be a nice pet name. Using my middle name instead of my first, It was nice. It made it so it didn't seem like we were enemies but now... Now it felt hollow. Empty... Evil. He was evil. "I'm eliminating the threat. So we can be safe..."

"We?" His smile grew wider and I felt the nausea from before come back in spades as I stared at the blood that stained his fangs. I guess he won't be needing the blood bags... he's fed enough. I narrowed my eyes as it all finally hit me. My friend... My vampire friend just attacked and killed so many people in my home... During the day. "T-Thomas... How are you out during the sun?" His eyes lit up and I felt him loosen his grip on me just enough to let me down from the wall. He grabbed my hand and started to lead me down this blood-soaked hallway. "THOMAS! How are you out..."

"I told you I was still considered weird even by my own kind, Dean." He pushed me out the back door and I froze seeing my family lined up and broken in front of me. By this time the sun was at it's highest and Thomas strolled out like nothing was wrong. Mother frowned looking up at the two of us with hate in her eyes. "I'm the only one of my kind that can walk in the sun."

"Monster..." Mother choked out as she shot a glance over at Emmy. Oh, god...

"EMMY!" Thomas frowned as I ran over, turning her over to check her pulse. There was one... she was just unconscious. There wasn't a mark on her... why...

"Get away from her." I tensed up looking over to see mother filled with rage and I frowned.

"Don't be so cold to your son, Ciara." Thomas called over as he walked over to me smiling. "He isn't one of ours..." He traced a gentle finger across my chin pushing my head up to look at him. "...yet."

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