18. Thomas

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I stood there staring at the gate like a total fucking moron. The Van Helsings are in there. The whole Helsing Clan is in there. I should be running. I should be running so far away. But I couldn't. My Virgil Dean was in there. My Dean... My Virgil. He was in there. I don't want him to get hurt. I'd tell you I didn't know why I came back here but that's a lie. I did. I came back here because I was scared. I came back because I needed to know he was ok. He said he would try to get it by nightfall. Well, it's almost nightfall... 

I would rather starve then deal with Virgil getting hurt.

I tensed up hearing the sound of small feet approach the gate and I started to freak out. Maybe I should leave. Virgil's a strong kid. I'm sure he'll be fine. I know if I get caught that would only cause him more trouble. And I am far too hungry to keep calm...

"Hello?" A quiet and timid voice came through the gate and I froze. "I know you're out there. I saw you from the guard post." Guard... post... I looked up to see this glint and I tensed up. One good thing about being a Daywalker... the only daywalker. If you're in the sun they'll think your human. I wonder if anyone else saw me... Or if I was just lucky I was only spotted by this kid. No... the fact I was spotted already means I'm de... "Are you Thomas?"

"Wait, how do you know my name?" I leaned in closer to gate confused and concerned but they just shifted about. "Do you know Virgil?"

"Know him? He's my older brother." I could feel my blood freeze. Older brother? He never mentioned he had siblings. "Is everything ok, Thomas?"

"Uh... Yeah, why?" I could feel their heart start to race and I struggled against the pull I felt with every beat. I can't do that. Not to a child... NOT TO VIRGIL'S SIBLING! 

"Because Virgil isn't here. He left a long while ago. I thought he was going to see you again." He left already? Did he get the blood or... Did he get hurt or... did he give up. Please tell me he just gave up. I don't want him to get hurt. I heard as they started to move again and I tensed up hearing the gate start to creak.

"What are you doing?" 

"I am opening the gate..." I slammed my hands on it causing them to jump back and I frowned.

"D-Don't." It was all I could muster. Everything was screaming at me to let them. To go in and have a field day but I can't. I'm not that type of Vamp... I don't like hurting people. Plus this is Virgil's friends. His family. I don't want to hurt him. Even still they opened the gate and I stood there staring at this small girl with braided pigtails. My whole body tensed up with this painful pull telling me to eat. She took a step closer and I freaked out jumping back. "Stay away." She froze. My body was shaking. I could feel my fangs poking into my lips and I looked around for anything that could pull me away from here. Unfortunately, there was nothing. She shot me this look and I shook my head taking another shaky step back. "Go back inside... C-Close the gate."

"Why? You're obviously in pain." I frowned seeing her concern. She was right I was in pain. A lot of pain... And it took everything in me to fight against it. "T-Thomas."

"GO AWAY!" I yelled back baring my fangs and her eyes went wide. She took a step back and I fought against the pull. Her blood calling me as I struggled to stay still. "P-Please... c-close the gate."

"You're a vampire." I nodded and she frowned looking back behind her. "You're hungry?"

"Starving..." I whispered out and she glanced back narrowed eyes. I shook my head again and she tilted her head in confusion. "...I don't want to hurt anyone."

"Where's my brother?" She had this serious expression on her face. It didn't seem to fit her age. "He left earlier with a bag. I thought he was with you..." I shook my head and she froze.

"Y-Yesterday." I could feel myself start to crack as she came closer and this pain shot up my spine. My body now resorting to hurting me till I comply. "I saw him yesterday. I thought he was here. I would never have come... I should never have..." I cried out as the pain insenified and I fell to my hands and knees.\


"Stay Back!" I gripped the dirt tightly in my hands feeling the earth through my fingers as my tears started to fall. "I'm to... too hungry to hold back. It's not safe."

"So let's get you some food ok?" I looked up at her with this shock and she just smiled. She opened the gate wider and walked over. She placed a hand on my shoulder and my body moved before I realized. I had her arm in my grasp gripping it tightly as I felt her pulse beneath my fingers. I froze seeing what I was doing and I looked up to see her watching me. When she saw I that I had frozen up she frowned. She started to back up urging me to follow and I started to shake.

"I-I can't... T-To m-many people... n-not enough c-control..."

"AEMILIA ROSE VAN HELSING, WHAT ON EARTH..." I had her in my arm the moment his voice hit my ears. She tensed up in fear seeing her father standing there in the open gateway. His eyes narrowed seeing me and I started to shake worse. I was terrified. I just had to get away. I looked over at the little girl in my arms and I frowned. "Let her go."

"Mathew..." His eyes darkened as I looked away. I wasn't hurting her. But her being to close... it was hurting me. And she knew it too. My breath hitched as she buried herself into me and I tensed up.

"Let me go..." I heard her whisper as she gripped my shirt tightly. "It's ok..."

"LET HER GO THRALL!" I smirked at him as she narrowed her eyes. A thrall? That's what they all think when they see me. I am a vampire in the sun but they never think that. It's not possible. But it is... I felt her pull away and I frowned seeing her give me this look. I looked away as I slowly set her down. Her heart starts to race, the smell of her blood seeping through her skin. I quickly covered my nose praying that helped... it didn't. "VAMPIRE!" 


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