16. Roman

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"ROMAN YOU'LL GET SICK!" The reaction was instant. The whole room burst with this icy storm and I slowly turned to see Patton standing there with this look in his eyes. Virgil was so very confused. I didn't... I didn't want him to know. "I will not feed you something you can't have."

"Patton, please..." His eyes darkened and Virgil looked over at Patton with this worry. Worry, I felt crash into me. "... It's fine."


"I SAID IT FINE!" I kicked the couch trying to direct the anger that ran through me and caused it to fly into the wall. Well, shit. No one even jumped. But I could feel the guilt. Virgil's guilt. I looked back over to see him looking at the ground and I frowned. "Pat, I'll be..."

"When was the last time you ate?" I narrowed my eyes at him and he just crossed his arms. "I don't mean food, Roman. When was the last time you had blood?" 

"Two weeks before you fucked up the supply." His eyes went wide as I awkwardly rubbed the back of my neck. "I am fine Patton."

"ROMAN YOU'RE STARVING!" I cringed hearing the pain in his voice and I could see the intense fear in Virgil. "You remember what happened to..." Patton froze as he looked over at Virgil sadly. "You need to eat. I'll go..."

"NO!" I couldn't... I can't do it. They both looked at me with concern and I just smiled praying Pat would drop the subject. "There are other Vamps here. Focus on that weird as concoction thing you make. I'm sure they're all hungry too." Virgil's eyes darkened as he looked away and I sighed. I knew it. Without Patton to make the stuff, they didn't have any way to eat. Not unless they fed from people. Patton glanced over at Virgil and frowned. He ran a hand through his hair and sighed.

"Hey, Virge... Can I talk to Roman alone?" Virgil started to shake and I frowned. He was really worried about me. I didn't like it. I don't like him feeling like that... I just want him to be happy. "Dad, please."

"O-Ok, Patton." I watched as Virgil slowly left the room and I collapsed to my knees clenching my stomach as the hunger pain set in. Patton rushed over to help but I flinch and he froze. 

"Roman, you need to eat." I looked up smiling and Patton frowned. "Ro..."

"I will eat the same thing as everyone else. It just wouldn't be fair to the others." He sighed again as he nodded. I pulled myself to my feet and tried to take a deep breath hoping to calm my starved body. 

"Hey, Roman?" I looked over to see Patton anxiously shifting from one foot to the other and I narrowed my eyes. "Do you know a Thomas?" I shot him this confused look and he laughed. "He said his name was Thomas Sanders."

"Sanders?" He nodded and my thoughts started to go haywire. There's no one in my family named... 

"He's a vampire too..." My blood ran cold. I looked over at him with questioning eyes and he smiled sadly.

"Meaning he could be a direct ancestor of mine... That's a vampire...AND HE'S IN THE CITY?!" I should meet him. I should learn if he is part of my family. I should... Wait. There's a vampire with my last name in the city? What if it's a trick? What if this is another one of Emmy's men? 

"If your thinking it's a trick..." I looked over to see Deceit entering the room and I smiled. "... I thought the same thing. Still don't..."

"He had every opportunity to hurt us. We literally followed him right to the examiner's office... He gave us the blood. If it was a trap why..." Deceit glared at him and Patton stopped.

"I said trick not trap. There's a difference. One takes time to complete. I don't trust him." I groaned feeling this intense exhaustion take over and I sighed. Virgil's about to break and I am no better off. I'm tired and annoyed and hungry. I just want to cuddle up with him and sleep for god know how long. "Roman?"

"Sorry what?" I felt myself sway on my feet and Patton smiled.

"Why don't you go rest, Roman? " I narrowed my eyes but he just smiled and I frowned. "We can talk about this another time. You should rest. And Eat..." I groaned as I slowly left the living room. I made my way to the kitchen only to spot Virgil face down on the table. I sighed walking over to the fridge to find a few pouches. I guess Patton had made some before stocking up on supplies. It's still not enough for everyone. These pouches only contain a little bit of blood. They work and stuff but considering there are 4 other vamps besides me here. I grabbed two and sat down beside Virgil with a smile as I pushed one into his hand. He slowly looked up at it before looking up at me with a confused frown.

"You looked like you needed one." He slowly held it up with a concerned look as he glanced over at me. I just held mine up before poking a straw through.

"But Patton said..." I shook my head and smiled.

"Don't worry about it, Virgil. I promise you it's nothing to be worried about."  Just to show him, I took my sip first. As soon as it entered my mouth I wanted to gag, but I made no visible reaction. I didn't want Virgil to worry. I hated lying to him. But I didn't have a choice. If he knew the truth, he would only feel more guilty. I swallow it and my body started screaming at me. I looked away as soon as I felt my stomach churn. No doubt my eyes had started to glow. I was starving... and this was not something I could eat. But I had to... I had to deal with the pouches. It wasn't fair to others to have to if I was having the real stuff. Especially if my supply took away from theirs. Just hold on Roman. Hold on until all this is over. Then it'll be ok.

"Ok, Roman..." Virgil whispered as he opened his. "As long you're ok."

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