1. Roman

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I laid there looking up at the ceiling and frowned. It's been a year. There has been no sign of Emma. No sign of... of him. I don't know. I should just... let go. The problem is I know he's out there somewhere. I still feel him. 

I shook my head and got up, looking out the window. That connection, we had, is still there. I'm a vampire now but I was his thrall. I was tied to him. That bond doesn't go away so easily. Since he turned me, it's been stronger than ever. But yet... I can't see him. I can't be near him. He just left. He took my choice away from me and just left. This past year has been hard, to say the least. What happens when the strongest vampire from a powerful family decides to create another vampire. I'll tell you... They create a monster.

The glass window shattered and I didn't even flinch. I turned away and just sighed as the glass pieces flew through the air reforming and fixing itself. The last thing Patton needs right now is another broken window.

"Roman?" I rolled my eyes and walked over opening the door to see a concerned Patton on the other side about ready to knock. He jumped back slightly in surprise and I raised an eyebrow at him. "We were wondering if you would like to join us."

"Pat, I don't..." 

"It's been a year to the day since you turned, Roman. Today is..."

"It's the day you become a full fledge Vamp. Your powers fully awaken and you get ranked... In the book of course. We could hardly care what you get ranked as. I'm mid-tier btw." Deceit practically pushed Patton out of the way as he ran inside and started dragging me out. "Mid-tier isn't that strong but I can still get my way around."

"Stop!" I pulled myself free and felt the air whip around me in response to my anger. "I don't want to leave. And the last thing I need is more power, so just... leave me alone." 

"Kiddo, we only want to help." He handed me a small box and I narrowed my eyes. "When a vampire turns, it's a rebirth. So... Happy birthday, Roman!"

"Well shit. Now I feel like crap." I started handing the box back over and Patton just pushed it back. 

"It's a gift, Roman." I smiled and rolled my eyes.

"I think I have enough gifts." Patton's eyes dropped and I just shook my head. I pulled my hands, box and all, from Patton's and started back for my room.

"Hey, Ro." I stopped and glanced back at Deceit. "I... I have to meet Logan at the station." I saw as he glanced to the side and I frowned. "I would feel better if you came with me."

"I'm not a cop anymore." His eyes dropped and I looked at the front door. I could feel as the anxiety built in me and I didn't like it. "I don't leave the house. You all know this."

"Roman, I can't go without you." I shot him a confused look and he looked away. "It's... It's about my future with the police force. Logan put it off for so long out of respect over what happened but he couldn't just forget about it. As the lead officer in my case at the time..."

"I'm not a cop anymore."

"I could face jail time." He crossed his arms and I just stood there in shock. 

"What? Why? I cleared everything! You had a pardon... A CLEAN SLATE!" I felt my hands begin to heat up and I cringed. This is why I don't leave. I have no control! "You should have no..."

"I broke the agreement, when I joined up with Aemilia." It was like all the air left my lungs. "They are deciding what to do with me."

"B-But you didn't... Y-You didn't..."

"Roman, I killed someone. Anna's dead because of me." The room shook and Deceit's eyes went wide. My hair spiked up and I grabbed the closest thing chucking it at the wall. I closed my eyes hearing the sound of the coffee cup shattering against the wall and I tried to steady my breathing. "I... I'm sorry. I shouldn't have mentioned her name."

"You're being charged with her death?" I looked back towards him and he flinched. No doubt my eyes were red. I could tell my fangs were showing too. This is what happens when I get angry. From from Patton told me, it happened to Virgil all time too. "Why the fuck would Logan..."

"It's not him, ok. They're just trying to get me for something. I'm the mob child. My Father literally runs the fucking mafia. Why wouldn't they try?" I just looked away and ran a hand through my hair, trying to smooth it out. I glanced up to see Patton in the kitchen and I frowned. "It's... It's fine. I'll go and... you stay here. I shouldn't have bothered you with it."

"Get your shit on and meet me in the car." I turned around to see him giving me this confused look and I smiled... or well, I tried to. "Go, just give me a minute to get ready."


"Go." He smiled and started for the closet. I just sighed. I can't believe I am actually going to do this. I can't just let Deceit take the fall for this but... I'm not safe right now. "Forget it, Roman. You already agreed."

"Here, Kiddo." I turned to see Patton holding out a travel mug with a smile. I took it without hesitation and pulled him into a hug.

"I'm sorry for being so difficult." He pulled away and brushed my hair out of my eyes.

"Your not. Just promise me you'll do something fun while your out. You've been sulking so long... I miss that smile of yours." I just laughed as he looked away. He turned around and headed back towards the kitchen with a sad look in his eyes. "I meant your real one."

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