8. Virgil

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"ROMAN!" I heard my voice tear through the room but it sounded distorted as it echoed about. I practically crawled over to him ignoring the pain in me. All I could see was him. I smelt his blood so strong it actually made my stomach churn. It made me sick. I pulled him into my lap and cringed at the pain in his eyes. His blood soaked into my clothes and it made my skin crawl. Roman... "Roman don't you dare die on me. THAT'S AN ORDER!"

His eyes lit up and he started to smile. I could feel how much he loved me... how much he missed me. The energy that wrapped around us intensified with every touch. I prayed for him to live. I prayed for any way that I could save him. I love him. I couldn't stop the tears. The fell against his bloody cheeks making the sickeningly sweet smell turn salty. I didn't care. I wasn't hungry. I was scared. I can't lose him.

"Don't cry, Virge." How dare he ask me that! He wiped the tears from my eyes and I just broke more. I grabbed his hand and held it close to my cheek ignore the sent that hug tight to his blood covered body.

"Don't die." My voice was broken and shaky as I forced the words through my teeth. I can't lose him. I love him. Please... Please don't take him from me. His breathing became erratic and looked over to him wide-eyed in shock as he struggled to catch his breath. My heart just broke. He's dying... He going to... NO! I closed my eyes, taking a  deep breath and let my fang grow. "Do you trust me?"

"I love you..." My eyes went wide as the energy around us exploded. His breath died out and I quickly bit my wrist cringing at the taste of my own blood in my mouth. His eyes started to fall and I wasted to time placing my bleeding wrist to his mouth. I just can't let him die here. Not like this. I'm so sorry, Roman. I'm being selfish. But I love you too much...

"Please... drink." I held him tightly as I felt his body start to shake. He gripped my arm in pain so tight I had to grit my teeth. He cried out as I pulled my arm away and struggled to hold him still as his body started to convulse. "I-I am s-so s-sorry, Roman." The tears were falling again as we just sat there. I looked over to see Deceit walking back after taking care of Anna and he just froze. I buried my head in Roman ignoring the seizing and just cried. I never wanted this for you. I never wanted this for anyone. But I can't... I'm being selfish. I heard Roman whimper and I held him tighter. "It's ok, Roman." I looked up to see his eyes wide an in so much pain as the tears fell. I wiped them away as he continued to whimper. "I've got you. I'll protect you." His shaking finally died down and I smiled. "I'll always be there to protect you."

"Virgil?" I was pulled out of my memory the moment his voice hit my ears. I looked over to see Patton standing there and I frowned. He looked over at Roman and sighed. "How is he?"

"I-I don't know." My voice shook as tears began to threaten to spill over. I had no right to feel like shit... I'm the one that left him. Even if I thought it was for his own good. I did this to him. I was selfish and now he's... he's... "He's not waking up. But th-there isn't any reason..." Patton sat down beside me catching me off guard and I frowned.

"I've missed you... dad." The tears fell so hard I pretty sure I choked. I looked over to see this happy smile on his face and he pulled me into a hug. "I glad you're ok."

"P-Pat..." He shook his head and held me tighter as I just cried into his arms.

"I forgive you." How... How can you forgive me? After what I said... what I did... How? When I was so mean...

"Virgil?" I carefully placed Roman on his bed and I frowned. He's alive... turned... but alive. He's never going to forgive. "Virgil!" I stepped back feeling the tears fall again and I looked away. He's going to hate me. I took his life right out from under him. I took his choice away because I couldn't lose him. Because I couldn't... "DAD!" My eyes snapped up to see Patton there on the verge of tears and I narrowed my eyes. Anna... She tried to kill him. She tried to kill MY SON! And on top of that... she almost succeeded in taking Roman from me. She did it all... for her. My own sister. Emmy... I have to do something. Or else, nothing I've done will matter. She'll kill everyone I care about. "Dad, talk to me. Please?"

"I'm leaving." It was all I managed to say as I quickly stripped out of my blood covered clothe and put on something cleaner. I started packing a bag as Pat began to freak. He grabbed the bag trying to stop me and I narrowed my eyes. "Patton, let go."

"You can't leave. What about us against the world? WHAT ABOUT ROMAN?" I yanked the bag out of his hands sending him flying forward. He hit his head on the dresser and I cringed as the blood that fell from a cut on his forehead.

"I am leaving. You can't stop me." I managed to get to the front door when it locked. I watched in annoyance as the windows slammed shut and things moved to block my path. I spun around to see Patton standing there and I nearly snapped. I NEED TO GO FIND HER. I can't let her hurt any of you again. What can I say to get you to back off? "Patton..."

"What happened to you, Dad?" I flinched hearing the anger in his voice. He rarely ever calls me dad anymore. This time... This time it hurt. "You would've never dreamt of leaving Roman after what happened. Why?"

"I don't want to be here anymore, Patton." His eyes went dark and I smiled sadly. "I don't want to be here. I don't want to anywhere near here when he wakes up. I'm done. I'm leaving."


"BECAUSE I'M DONE WITH ALL OF THIS!" I screamed out feeling the wold shake beneath me. "I am done and I want out." I walked over punching the wall before Patton could stop me and watched as it crumbled away allowing me an escape.

"Tell me you don't care." I stopped short as I looked behind to see Patton just staring at the ground. "Tell me you don't care about us and I won't try to stop you."

"Patton..." I froze up as the realization hit me. If I am going to be able to protect them. I need to leave. If I need to hurt them to leave then so be it. I'll do whatever I have to to keep them safe. "I just don't care anymore... about anything... not even you."

"I forgive you." I hugged Patton tight as the world shook beneath me. He just buried himself into my shoulder as I broke down. "I never believed you anyway. I knew... I knew how much you loved me... How much you loved Roman... You wouldn't leave us without a good reason."

"I'm s-sor..."

"I love you, dad." I smiled as I slowly pulled away.

"I love you too, Pa..."

"Virgil?" My eyes went wide and I jumped up so fast. I ran over to see Roman laying there with his arm over his eyes. "Why was everything shaking so much?"

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