22. Thomas

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"All I see is her on the ground." My eyes darkened as I looked over at the child. Maybe if I woke her up? But if I did that she would only hurt more... Virgil would never forgive that... but he thinks I hurt her. He doesn't believe I saved her. I am the hero... I took a deep breath just as another blast tore through the place and whispered out a command to wake up. The response was immediate. I saw her start to fuss and I frowned. Why am I doing this? I should get them both out of here? Why am I fighting this... I don't even like fighting. I hate violence! I...

"B-Brother?" Virgil looked over to see his sister rubbing the sleep from her eyes and I frowned. The blood all over her dress... That's why I was doing this. I'm getting them away from all of them. I'm getting him away from all of this. They'll never be safe... He'll never be safe if they're out there. They will hunt him down till he's dead. I don't want that. I won't let that happen. She looked over at me with this confused look and I smiled seeing her eyes light up when she realized it was me. A thralls bond... "T-Thomas?"

"Emmy?!" The fear in Virgil's voice was a lot. I started to frown. Even now he refuses to see. "Thomas let her go." Let her go... LeT hEr Go?! I SaVeD HeR!

"I could never hurt her. Not when she showed such kindness to a monster like me." You're acting like I have her tied up like some sacrificial lamb. THAT'S WHAT THOSE ASSHOLES THOUGHT OF HER NOT ME! I am going to get you to see. I am going to show you. I can't... I c... I wo...

Pain shot up my spine but I didn't allow it to show. I was fucking pissed. I just want to protect him. I just want him to be safe. If that means dragging his ass out of here kicking and screaming so be it.

The door blew open and I narrowed my eyes feeling the immense condensed feeling of pure unabated rage pooling behind me. I let my hand drop letting the 'bitch' fall with a thud. The only way Virgil is ever going to understand is if I turn him. Then we can be together. I'll protect him. I'll teach him his new life and everything will be good again.

"Have at it." I could see the anxiety in him and I frowned. I let my other hand move away from Virgil's neck and gripped his arm tightly as he started to shake. "But he's not to be touched. He's mine." Screams filled the area as I dragged Virgil far away from that sight. Something tugged again at the back of my mind but I was far to gone to think about it. It was like I was forgetting something. But I couldn't be... Virgil he...

"LET ME GO, YOU SON OF A BITCH!" I frowned feeling my grip get tighter around him. I could feel his quickened pulse beneath my fingers. "SISTER!" Before my mind even caught up I had him against a wall. All I could see was red. I was pissed. I was hurt. I wanted nothing more than to get Virgil out of here. BuT He'S BeInG StUbBoRn! "Just do it already." I narrowed my eyes in confusion as he smiled back at me. "Just kill me."

"I could never kill you, Dean. You're mine." I love you. Why can't you see that?  Is it because I'm a vampire? Is it because you're not. That's it isn't it? You just won't understand unless you're like me. "I made the mistake of getting attached. Now I'll never let you go."

The bittersweet metallic taste filled my mouth as I stood there pressed up against him. His heartbeat getting faster and faster as his blood flooded my senses. Why... Why was I doing this? Why... What was going through my head? I couldn't tell you to be honest. All I was... was there drinking his blood till I felt his body start to go limp. I still couldn't make myself stop. I didn't know if I even wanted to. I wasn't hungry anymore. And the moment his blood entered my mouth all that angry died away. I still couldn't stop. 

"T-T-Thom..." His voice was so weak. It scared me. I pulled away from him and the guilt was instant. What the actual hell did I just do? I laid him down on the floor and tried really hard not to see the fear in his eyes. I brushed his hair back as I carefully pulled him into my lap. I don't really have a choice now. I won't let him die... 

"It's ok... It's all gonna be ok, Dean." I am so fucking sorry. I don't know what got into me. I don't know why I did this. I hate violence. I hate death... To be honest I hate the sight of blood. It was like I was a totally different person. I took a deep breath and bit into my own wrist cringing at the taste of my own blood. I felt myself start to shake as I pulled him into a kiss letting my blood fill his mouth. He tried to fight. I know he did. But soon his body gave out and suddenly he started to convulse. "Virgil?" His head fell back and I watched in horror as his eyes rolled back to. He was seizing in my arms. It took everything in me not to cry. I didn't have the right. I did this to him. At least take the responsibility. My blood turned to ice the moment he started to scream. I held him tighter until he just dropped. It was as if his body just shut down unable to process the pain. "God damn it... You're going to be ok. You and..." It hit me like a bullet to the chest. The tug at the back of my mind... The feeling of forgetting something... The pain my body refused to register was there... I picked up Virgil and ran back before my body could give out at the realization. I really was lost to the rage. I had forgotten about her. "Aemilia..."

I froze up instantly falling to my knees at the sight that was laid out in front of me. Ciara was torn to shreds but that wasn't what my eyes latched on to. I carefully set Virgil down and crawled my way over to small child laying in a puddle of red. It's my fault... I never should have come here. I never should have spoken to her. I shouldn't have seen Virgil that day. If I hadn't been so hungry and scared... and angry... 

"Aemila..." I reached out hesitantly as if any moment at all would turn her to dust. They didn't go easy on her either. But they didn't bite her. It was as if they knew I already had. If that was so why didn't they leave her. Instead they... they did so much worse... Her clothes were too torn and bloody. Her whole body was covered in cuts and bruises. And I said I was going to protect them both... I couldn't even protect Virgil from myself... and now this?

"T-Tho..." My heart stopped... that is if I had one. Her eyes started to flutter and her body twitched in pain. ThEy LeFt HeR AlIvE?! IN THIS STATE?! I pulled her in close not even registering the blood that covered her and cried. "...mas... you... came..."

"Hush now, Bug. It's going to be ok." I wiped away the tears the fell from my face and her breathing became erratic. "I'm not going to leave. I'm never going to leave you again. I-I promise."

"I'm scared... Where.. W-Where is Virg..." I swallowed the guilt that crashed down on me and rested my forehead on hers.

"He's ok... He's... sleeping." She cried out in pain and I tensed up, the tears falling even harder.

"I don't want to die." I said I would protect them both. I said I would be their hero. I was not... I was not because I let bad things happen. But as I stated before... being food is a death sentence. At least if you're turned... You're still alive. "I don't... I'm scared."

"You won't bug. I promise you. I won't let you die."

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