6. Roman

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 "Roman, get out of there. NOW!" I jumped up so fast feeling that familiar rush of energy and I couldn't help but smile. He really is here. He... He told me to get out. I looked around and my eyes narrowed. I fucking knew that Sean looked familiar. 

"Roman?" I looked back to see them all with anxious expressions and I frowned. "What's wrong, Kiddo?"

"We need to leave." I started pulling Patton out of the booth when I felt a hand go on my shoulder. 

"Leaving so soon? But you didn't even get your food yet." I looked back to see these razor sharp teeth and bright neon green eyes. His hand got tighter on my shoulder and the others jumped up. "And you didn't pay. I'd hate to think we have a dine and dash on our hands."

"Anti..." Logan practically growled and I could feel the static rolling off of Sean's fingers. 

"Logan. Nice to see you again. You know, why don't we take this reunion outside." Sean dragged me out of the restaurant before I even had the chance to do anything. The others followed as the others in the building didn't even bother to look in our direction. Once again we were invisible to the humans. When we got outside I noticed right away one of the men were missing. The one that punched me last time. What was his name? Mark? Normally there are three of them but instead, there was just two. Sean and one other guy. This one was clearly a Vampire. If you couldn't tell by his bright red eyes and fangs. "Sharp, Look... well sharp."

"Haha, Anti. You sure you're ready for this?" The other man said as he shoved his hands into his pockets. Sean looked down at me and smiled psychotically.

"Nope." He shoved me onto the ground causing me to hit my head against the asphalt. I groaned and looked up to see him holding his hand out like he was pointing a gun at me. The others tensed up and I could see Logan looking around as if searching for someone. My eyes went wide as these metal pieces began to fly around Sean, forming something in his hand as electricity sparked through the air. "Let's antagonize him anyway."

"You're going get your ass kicked." Sharp called and Sean laughed. Soon there was an actual gun in Sean's hand and I tensed up. Patton tried to run to help me but as soon as he took a step forward the ground cracked with lightning and he cried out.  I took a deep breath and forced myself to my feet, a serious and neutral expression on my face. Sean just smiled as he shrugged and fired. I through my arms up attempting to block the blast that fired from his gun, but nothing happened. There was just this bright light. When it finally died down I looked up to see a familiar face with a bright loving smile.

"You just can't stay out of trouble can you?" I looked over to see Remy and I frowned. "You never stick to the plan either. It's frustrating."

"I remember a time when you didn't either, Jeremy." I felt a pair of arms wrap around me and Sharp's eyes went wide. "In fact, Emile told that story so much I have it memorized."

"Boy's, please. Stay focused. They aren't alone." Sean spun around, nearly tripping over nothing to show Emile standing there with a big smile on his face. "Are you Sean?"

"You could say that." Sean snapped his fingers and suddenly all these transparent swords filled the air. Logan reached out hesitantly, wincing at the shock from the electrical force field and frowned. 

"When you have a Demigod of war, your never without back up." Sharp yelled out and Logan shot them a dirty look.

"Demigods..." Virgil growled as he pulled his hood down baring his fangs. I could her Patton gasp realizing it was him, but now wasn't the time to rejoice. "... Nothing but Halfing's on a power trip. Just because your Mother was Athena, doesn't make you a god." He yelled up at the sky and several swords shot down at him. Virgil held his hand up and this large black disk from above him. The swords vanished and Virgil frowned throwing the disk behind him just as this massive light filled the area. 

"Well, I guess that's a matter of opinion." This man stepped out of the light clad in armor and caught the disk no problem. I watched him shatter the disk with this huge grin. "However, I do believe the saying is like Mother like son."

"Alex, enough of this!" Logan cried out causing the greek looking soldier guy to frown. 

"Logan..." Alex walked over looking confused as he poked the lightning field. "A demigod or wisdom... caught in a trap. My own brother... "

"We are not god, Alex. We have our limits." Logan straightened his tie and Alex laughed. 

"The only limitation we possess are those we inflict on ourselves." Alex turned around and looked at everything with a scowl. "Dark said not to do anything."

"Dark's a bitch who got is ass kicked by a Vampire." Sean cried as he crossed his arms. I watched as Emile slowly made his way over to the others and I frowned. We can't start a fight here. There is to much risk to the humans around us. How do we get out of this? "I won't make the same mistake."

"You already did the moment you POINTED A GUN AT ROMAN!" Virgil yelled causing the ground to shake beneath him. Sean just shrugged and pointed the gun at Virgil causing me to go cold. I reached out and grabbed Virgils hoodie. He looked back at me and I smiled brightly. "Roman, what..."

"Hold your breath." Everyone just stared at me and I stepped back. I glanced at Logan and his eyes went wide. He grabbed ahold of Patton and I watched as several books appeared creating a bubble around them. I shoved my hands in my jean pockets as the lightning flashed and thunder roared. The rain started pouring down so hard that it began to flood the area. Virgil just stared at me with wide eyes as I held my hand out and the rain began to form in it. Sean looked back over at Sharp and frowned. "What are you going to do huh? Shock me? With all this water here? Shoot me and you risk retaliation."

"Roman..." I pointed up and they all looked up to see the entire sky filled to the brim with water. The ball was now a floating lake. I pulled Virgil in and he just stared at me in shock.


"It's an exit plan. Like I said..." I looked around and everyone tensed up. "Hold your breath if you want to live." I pulled Virgil closer and kissed him hard. His eyes went wide and the water fell washing us all away. The kiss had a purpose. I did not forgive him. As much as I loved how he just melted into me. I was giving him air. If he panicked with the water around us like this, he would drown. When the water finally drained, Virgil pulled away coughing as I just scoffed. I left him there trying to calm himself down and went over to help the others. 

"Son of a bitch..." Logan sputtered as he let the bubble drop. "That was for emergencies only."

"I saved your asses. Get over it." I looked around to see the 'bad' guys gone and I just shook my head. "I don't understand. What was all that about anyway? They just stood there fucking talking they didn't even try to attack after the assholes showed up."

"Who are you calling an asshole, Roman?" Remy called as he strained his jacket out. "Also you do that again and I will personally drag you to hell."

"The fact remains. Why didn't they continue?" I heard something crash and I whipped around to see Virgil sliding down the wall with trash cans spilled over. He looked over at me with this big smile on his face. He pulled his hand out of his hoodie and my throat closed up. 

"They already got what they wanted. Right from start..." 

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