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Walking into the place set every sense I had into overdrive. I gagged as soon as the doors opened. Patton glanced back at me and I frowned. I can't worry him again. So as they walked in I slowly followed. It wasn't easy. Every smell and sight made me want to vomit. We made it to a booth and everyone sat down. Everyone except me. 

There was this weird scent in the air. Something that differed from the rest of it. I looked around in confusion only for Patton to grab my hand.

"Are you ok, Roman?"

"It's probably a lot for him to adjust to. When I hit my first year, it was like an overload." Deceit casually sipped some water as Patton started to freak out. "Think of it this way Pat. For an entire year, your body is slowly getting used to the idea of turning. You don't have any substantial physical changes till the anniversary of your first year when it all happens at once. Haven't you ever read House of Night? Roman here was a special case not many actually need blood their first year, or have their gifts yet either. I know I didn't. You lot didn't even know I had turned until I came back. The only notable thing was the sun issue. Which not surprisingly he doesn't have either. Must be a trait Virgil passed down."

"Oh em gosh! I didn't even think about that. Virgil never told me what his was like, and you were... where again?" Deceit laughed and pulled his hat down hiding his eyes. 

"I... I was in Athens. It's where I was turned so... I went back. Not exactly the best decision I made but it was killer so..." I just shook my head and sat down. Logan was too engrossed in the menu to even talk but Patton and Deceit were going back and forth. I couldn't stop thinking about Virgil. And about my maybe dream. "So, how'd it go for you?"

"What?" I looked up to see them both just staring at me. Even Logan peaked over to look at me. It made me a bit uncomfortable. "Oh... I don't..."

"I was just saying because Patton told me how bad it was when you became a Thrall. That wasn't even a physical change, where this was. So... it had to have been bad." Deceit looked away and I just stared at my hands. If it wasn't a dream the fact remains true. It wasn't bad. It wasn't bad because he was there.

"I couldn't tell you. But... I would like to know more about your trip to Athens. Like what the fuck, man?" Deceit started laughing and I smiled sadly. I was willing to do anything to get the conversation off of me. "You met a Vamp in Greece?"

"Hey, have you ever seen the men in Greece." He fanned himself and we all burst out laughing. He stopped though and just stared at his glass with lost eyes. "In all seriousness though, it wasn't like that."

"Virgil always thought you went out and searched for someone. Since he refused to turn you." Patton whispered. Deceit shook his head and frowned.

"That implies that I asked him. I never did. No, what I asked was if he thought of it. He said no, that he wouldn't do that to me. He said to turn someone would be no different then killing them." He looked over at me and smiled sadly. "I guess seeing you like that... He must have really cared for you."

"Yeah well, he isn't here so... That shows just how wrong you are." They all froze and looked away. I ran a hand through my hair and sighed. "I brought the mood down. Look it's just..."

"Well, hello. My name is Sean and I'll be your waiter for the evening. Can I start you off with something to drink or..." I clammed up and let everyone order. I didn't really feel like anything. to be honest I wasn't hungry. "And what about you?" I looked up at him and frowned in confusion. That weird smell was back and what was more... his eyes were slightly green.

"Just the water is fine, thanks." He nodded and left, leaving me at a loss. Why did he seem familiar?

"Roman?" I felt someone grab my hand and I looked up to see Patton with a concerned expression. "Are you sure you're ok?"

"I'm good. So... Athens." Deceit shook his head and I sighed. "Yeah didn't think that would work twice."

"Talk to us." I looked around and smiled. 

"I'm being serious, Patton. I'm actually ok. It's just... a lot. You know how the past year has been for me. Just because I hit some Vampiric Anniversary thing, doesn't mean everything going to change. It's gonna take some..." I was cut off a bunch of cups being placed in front of us and I frowned. That was a bit fast. I looked over to see Sean standing there with a big smile on his face. Something doesn't feel right here. "...time."

"Have all of you decided on what you would like or do you need some more time to look things over?" Sean already had his pad and pen out to write everything out and of course, Deceit is the first to order. I tuned it all out as I looked around the room. There were several people around the whole place just minding there own business. I just couldn't let it go through. Something felt off. Like we were being watched. "Sir?"

"Yes?" Sean smiled at me and I flinched slightly. I couldn't miss the sharp teeth. "Your order?"

"I take a steak. As raw as you can legally make it." I shot him a look that clearly said try me and he nodded before walking off. He was definitely trouble and I know I've seen him before.  I closed my eyes and tried to focus on my hearing. I just want to pick up something... anything that proved my hunch correct. 


"Shh..." I held a finger to my lips and everyone went silent. They didn't even dare to move an inch. I could hear the pumping blood of the people that surrounded us. I could hear the pots and pans in the kitchen. I could even hear the traffic outside. Suddenly everything just seemed to vanish and my eyes went wide.

"Roman, get out of there. NOW!"

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