7. Virgil

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"They already got what they wanted. Right from start..."  I held my hand out and watched as Roman's face went white. He dropped to his knees and I groan out as the pain took over. My hand dropped and then I coughed spitting up red onto my hoodie. They shot me. No... They shot Roman. I just stood in the way. Either way, I got shot. "... Me... bleeding."

"I told you not to move." Remy ran over ripping some off his shirt and tying it around my torso. There wasn't much he could do right now to stop the bleeding. "You never listen."

"He shot at Roman." Remy rolled his eyes and I laughed. "It's not like it'll do anything anyway."

"That's not the point, Virgil. We had a plan. You fucked it up. AGAIN!" I flinched and Remy sighed running a now bloody hand through his hair turning it slightly red. "However... You've proven your point. It's not safe for him. For any of them now."

"We have to take them with us." He shot me this dirty look and shook my head. Roman was lost in thought... in shock. Patton was out cold and Logan was pacing trying to think of what to do. The others were just waiting for an order. I pushed myself up a little more and cried out at the pain the burned through me. I looked down to see the white cloth tied around me turning red and I frowned. "I was stupid to think Emmy would leave them alone. She had people watching them the whole time, Remy. I-I..." I doubled over as the pain got worse and nearly froze at the sound of Roman crying out. 

"No, we have to do, is get you BOTH home." Remy picked me up ignoring the pain and I screamed out. "Emile, grab Roman!"

I found myself laying in bed staring up at the dirt ceiling with a smile. An actual smile I hadn't had since I first left. I saw him again. Roman... He held me. He kissed me. I know. It wasn't a real kiss. But... He kissed me. 

My smile dropped and I looked over at the man sleeping beside me. Roman Sanders. When I first met him, he drove me crazy. He was just this careless man with to much free time and a big mouth. He seemed more like an actor than an actual cop. But I saw how much he cared. I saw how much he cared about me. He learned the truth and he stayed. 

I reached out brushing my hand against his and melted into the rush of energy. Even when he turned our connection remained. I loved it and I hated it. I hated what I did to him. He had a life. He had a future and I took that the moment I walked into his life. But still, he always gave me a smile. Gave... He didn't smile now. 

"Virgil?" I looked over to see Emile standing there and I frowned moving my hand back over to my side. "I see Mr. Sinclare was not lying about being able to heal you." I sighed and sat up ignoring the soreness in my side.

"I'm more concerned that Roman hasn't woken up yet." Emile frowned as he sat down beside me. I just hugged myself and looked off to the side. "It was hard. Seeing him hurt like that. Seeing the pain and not being able to take it away. I couldn't even get close enough to him just so he knew I was there."


"It took everything in me to stay away but... I couldn't do it today. Remy was right. I fucked up." Emile grabbed my hands and just sat there smiling.

"Remy has no right to speak. He's made mistakes before too." I laughed and ran a hand through my hair. 

"Yeah, well, my boyfriend wasn't on his way to hell." He shot me this look and I frowned. "He risked himself. I risked Roman. There's a difference."

"Virgil, you can't just take everything on yourself."

"Yes, I can." His eyes went wide and I threw my arms out in frustration, groaning in response to the soreness in my side. "She was my sister, Emile. It was my fault that happened to her. It was my fault Roman got involved. It's my fault he still is."

"You told me yourself you tried to break it off with him." I rolled my eyes and I could hear as he sighed. "You gave him an out."

"I ordered him to stay away. I used the enthralment and I failed. I failed..." I could feel the tears well up and I yelled in frustration throwing a pillow at the wall. I looked over at Roman and sighed. I have to keep them safe. I didn't have time to waste on guilty tears. Emmy's probably out there planning and scheming. I had to get up.

"Virgil..." I froze as Roman started to fuss in his sleep. I looked over to see teh pain in his eyes and I frowned. I did this to him. I...

"You should stay with him. Don't worry about anything for now." I glared at him and he just laughed. "I'm being serious, Virgil. I'll take take care of everything. You just stay with him. He needs you."

"No..." I whispered as Emile left the room. "...He never needed me."

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