Chapter 46

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Something different this chapter. Steven spoke, there's so much going on in the sidelines he wanted us to know about it. He also wanted to tell of how Micah and Rosy are together




Five days.

It had been five days since Jason Reeves was sent from Jazzy and Mitchell's territory and there has been no contact from the Dorringtons or The Board.

I glance at Lana where she is drying a coffee cup with a tea towel even as she keeps an eye on our son who is having a great time playing with the other boys. In the kitchen behind Lana is Mikkarl, he has been silent and withdrawn since he returned from Sasha's territory last night. I watch as he continues to wash plates.

There is something going on with my brother but I have not had a chance to catch him alone to try to talk to him.

"Kyle is enjoying himself," Lana says quietly.

 I glance back to her with some surprise. We haven't really talked much since Bud Lancaster had rang me to tell me I had gotten his daughter pregnant but he didn't want her marrying me. Things had been tense when The Board had learnt of the pregnancy and wanted to interfere. The Board had been divided on their opinions of what was best to do until Micah and Rosy had spoken against a marriage citing how she had been affected. The Board backed off with their opinions leaving the choice of getting married to be decided between Lana and I.

"Maybe ..." My suggestion of Lana and Kyle visiting regularly dies unspoken as I reframe from saying anything that may hurt my chances of seeing my son more often.

"I need to have a talk with you when you have some spare time," Lana says after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence between us.

"I have to watch the Rugrat Brigade at the moment," I tell her. Lana glances towards where the youngsters are playing and a smile softens her face.

"I understand you have work to do," Lana says and I can hear the sincerity in her voice. I am watching her in surprise and catch her as she lifts her gaze from the kitts.

"Kyle loves visiting with his cousins," Lana says. She chews on her bottom lip as she turns her gaze back to our son.

"Even though Dad and my brothers are great role models for him I can see the difference when he spends time with you," Lana says with a rush.

"And?" I ask uneasily. "We agreed a marriage between us isn't a good option. I love my son but you and I are too different, there's too many things that make us a poor match."

Lana blushes deeply and looks down at the floor for a few moments before making a disgusted sound.

"Gawd you have tickets on yourself!" She mutters slanting a red faced look my way. "Now Kyle is older ... well it would be good for him to let you visit or I bring him here more. I think given time you and I can be friends for his sake, just friends, nothing more!" Lana rushes as she looks down at her hands where she is twisting them nervously in front of her.

"Go on," I prompt guardedly.

 "With what's going on," Lana stumbles over the words and falls silent for a short while. "Kitts ... you're alive and will be a good influence and role model, there's no reason for you not to be a part of Kyle's life. I know you're aware I was keeping contact to a minimum ..."

"I'm not sure I trust you," I say coldly as I struggle to keep my anger in check.

I had suspected Lana was trying to keep Kyle from me. I glance at Kyle, he is nearly eleven month younger than Wynn and barely a year older than Kali slotting him into the group of kitts with ease. The sound of soft footsteps coming down from the sleepout has me glancing towards the hallway door, I smile at Rosy as she walks into the lounge room carrying Kali on one hip and a child monitor receiver in her free hand. Rosy lowers Kali to the floor near the boys and takes the cloth wrapped old book Kali holds up to her before walking over to me.

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