Chapter 32

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I stand with my thumbs hooked in the waistband of the shorts Ed had produced for me on his arrival at the vehicle. He is working under the bonnet of the overheated car, I can clearly hear the clink of metal hitting metal and his soft grunt of effort. I glance across at Rhonda sitting on a camp chair in the shade with Claire standing close to her.

"There," Ed says straightening from beneath the bonnet. He slips the wrench in his back pocket then reaches for the rag that is hanging from a belt loop at the front of his jeans, he wipes his hands clean before stuffing the rag in the pocket with the wrench.

"The bottom radiator hose won't last far but it should get them to the Homestead where I can fix the car up properly."

I can see the concern on his face. He would no sooner leave a woman and child, human or were, to take the chance of being stranded on the side of the road than any of the Australian warriors would. I glance back at Rhonda but she is looking at the car with a frown.

"I would not feel right sending you on your way with a vehicle that could break down and leave you stranded on the side of the road," I say. Rhonda looks at me and I give a slight nod.

"You can come to our place and Ed will fix the vehicle properly," I say evenly. "Who knows, one of our American crew may know of this relative of yours."

"I am happy to pay for repairs," Rhonda says in a dignified voice.

"If you must you can pay for any part but call it a gesture on our part to foster good relations between our different Were societies." I tell her with what I hope she recognises is a friendly smile.

"Thank you," Rhonda says with a soft smile. I find myself smiling back at her. In what must be an intimidating situation Rhonda has bought a quiet dignity to the last two hours.

"Would you like me to drive the car to our place?" I ask. I mentally remind myself that the Homestead has been Sasha's since it was believed Rosy was dead. Something to talk to Sam, Mitchell and Rosy about since I know she loves being here so close to her beloved mountain.

"Thank you but no thanks," Rhonda says firmly. "I am capable of driving this troublesome beast."

"If Claire is lucky my three sons will still be around the Homestead and she can meet them. Terry is five, Dacey is four and Wynn is two. I will insist the boys all remain in their human forms," I say.

"Thank you," Rhonda agrees lightly.

"All set Mrs G," Ed says as he shuts the bonnet and makes sure it has locked into place.

"You want the bike? I can go on all four," Ed offers with a glance my way.

"You go get ready to get started working on the car," I say as I move to fold the chair Rhonda has vacated prior to putting it in the boot of the car. I shut the boot with a loud noise which makes Claire whine as she stands back warily eyeing me. I laugh softly at the look on the young girl's face, she blushes then hides her face against her mother's side. I get down on one knee to appear less imposing and smile reassuringly at her as I hear Ed start his bike and head off. Claire watches me warily as I give her one of my most charming smiles.

"I am sure we can find some extra sandwiches if you are hungry," I tell Claire knowing from experience children are always hungry. Claire glances up at her mother hopefully and Rhonda gives a slight nod.

"Claire and I would appreciate that," Rhonda says smiling down at the girl. Claire smiles and it lights up her face chasing the shadows from her eyes. She heads to the vehicle, there is something about the way she is so self assured that tells me she is someone important, not just an ordinary member of werewolf society.

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