Chapter 44. A mother's love

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I watch as Rosy wraps Layla firmly in her blanket before turning to Malachi and repeating the procedure with him. Our twins were two weeks old yesterday and both are nursing well and sleeping peacefully between feeds. The first three days had been rough for Rosy with Malachi suffering from colic caused by a belly full of amniotic fluid from his breech birth. I had helped as much as Rosy would allow, taking my turn to walk the floor as I held my son against my shoulder and rubbed his back trying to soothe him.

Surprisingly it had been Kia, who had turned up midmorning the day Rosy gave birth, Kia had stepped in and taken over. After each time Rosy attempted to feed Malachi Kia had stripped his clothes off and immersed him in warm water, massaging his stomach while holding his chin above water. Kia's method had helped him to work the contents of his stomach out through his bowels and soon both kitts were sleeping soundly between feeds.

With both newborns tended to I watch as Rosy turns her attention to Kali and carefully helps her into her clothes. I have to smile at the way Kali clings close, the way Rosy knows exactly what the toddler wants when she puts her little hand on her mothers forearm for attention.

"Need an extra pair of hands?" Steven asks as he steps into the room from outside the door.

"Are the boys ready to go?" Rosy asks as Kali covers her face in kisses.

"Just as you said," Steven says with a nod.

"You can carry the nappy bags," Rosy doesn't even look his way as she lifts Kali to one hip before scooping Malachi into the crook of her other arm. I step forward and pick up Layla gently. I glance towards the nappy bags knowing Rosy will have put her mothers journal in one of them.

"Hey Layla," I croon softly as her eyes flutter open. Already her eyes are turning a deep blue that comes from Rosy's family.

"Everyone waiting for a quick glimpse?" I ask Steven as he comes in and picks up what seems to be an over abundance of luggage for two new-borns and a toddler. My question elicits a low growl from Rosy but she doesn't voice an objection to the fact everyone here will be waiting for a quick glimpse of the twins before we leave to visit Rosy's sister Sasha.

"Can we get going?" Rosy asks with a last glance towards where the bags Steven held had sat.

"Don't worry I got your precious bag of books," Steven grins at Rosy.

"Good," Rosy responds.

I lead the way out of the bedroom and through the quarters to the front door, I pause just inside the door to glance behind me to ensure Rosy is close before I push the door open and step out into the bright morning sunshine. I can hear Rosy making soothing sounds behind me and glance back, she is rubbing a cheek against the top of Kali's head while shooting warning glares from beneath a frown. Steven steps between Rosy and those gathered around outside, he glances from one to the next around the small group.

"No one come too close," Steven says firmly. "Micah has Layla and Rosy there has Malachi and Kali,"

"Bubba! Bubba!" Cameron's high childish voice has me instantly glancing towards where Jazzy stands well back behind most of the warriors.

"Jazzy can bring Cameron over to see the kitts," Rosy says with just the slightest trace of tension in her voice.

Tension is thick in the air as Jazzy hesitantly moves closer, she stops every few steps as she nervously searches Rosy's face and body language for any signs of danger. Finally Jazzy halts a couple of steps before reaching Steven, she is turned so her body is between Cameron and Rosy as he leans across her body to peer at the kitt Rosy holds, eagerness etched on his face.

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