Chapter 22

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I look at Rosy where she is curled up asleep in my bed. It is nearly midday and other than using the toilet, having a brief shower and attempting to eat breakfast all she has done is sleep. All her wounds are healed except for the deep bite on the back of her shoulder but even that is progressing exceedingly fast. I watch as she frowns then whimpers in her sleep and I take the time to put my pillow in her arms, she buries her face in it and settles back down into a deep sleep. I pick up the plate of roast pork and stir fried vegies Mikkarl cooked especially for her and head out towards the kitchen.

"Didn't she eat?" Doc asks with a worried from.

I look down at the plate, at the food I had scooped onto the fork and tried to get her to eat after waking her up.

"No," I admit worriedly. "All she seems to want to do is sleep and I swear she has visibly lost weight over night,"

"I'll check how she is going," Doc says after finishing his coffee hurriedly.

"Want me to come as well?" Frank Inness asks getting to his feet.

"No, you make those other phone calls to see if you can line up a full supply of O negative blood. The one unit that's left won't be enough when we do the c-section. " Doc says firmly.

"Righto," Frank says with a nod.

I frown as I follow Doc from the room, he pauses in the lounge room to get his medical bag and a smaller briefcase, he grins at me and lifts the small case.

"Let's see if she will at least let us check his heartbeat," Doc states.

"How soon are you thinking of doing it?" I ask as I meet his eyes levelly. Doc is silent as he holds my gaze for a few seconds.

"We really need to get her to allow an ultrasound." Doc states firmly. "Gestation, size, position, health of the mother ... all have a part in deciding when would be best."

"Maybe Rosy will allow one while she is so sleepy," I say hopefully. I can't help worrying about her, she isn't recovering from her illness as fast as I had hoped. We are silent on the short walk to my room, I glance in where Sam is recovering in his bed and see Lilly sitting in a chair by his bedside as I pass by.

"Hey, I'm back," I say in a normal voice as I step into my room turning the light on. There is no movement, no reaction from Rosy. She is in the same position as when I left, curled up on her side sleeping deeply. I walk to the bedside and gaze down at her for a moment before sitting on the edge of the bed. I place a hand on her shoulder and gently but firmly give it a soft squeeze. I wait a few seconds but there is no response from her so I rub her shoulder briskly.

"Come on you need to wake up," I say firmly. "Rosy. Harley. Wake up darling."

I watch as she frowns, her nose scrunching adorably. I rub her shoulder briskly once again and she begins to stir. Her eyelids flicker and slowly open squinting in the light as she turns her head to look my way.

"What?" Sleep roughens her voice giving it that sexy tone I remember so well, the one that has my body hardening in response.

"Doc wants to check your wounds and make sure you are okay," I tell her and watch as her eyes flick past me to look behind me.

"I'd like to listen to your Kitt's heartbeat as well," Doc says and Rosy's eyes instantly narrow.

"Just a simple check to make sure he is doing well after yesterday," Doc says in a reassuring tone. "Would you like to hear his heartbeat? You'd be able to hear it as well,"

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