Two Can Play the Game

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Vanessa's POV

First day back to Keaton. Grade 10. Time to my this year my year. No ankle breaks no distractions. As I make my way to the quad I see Jax and Kit laying some sick beats.

"EYY Vanessa come join us for a second," Jax screamed waving me over.

"You know it." I ran to the center of the quad where a mini dance ring formed around me.

"Alrighty who wants to challenge the queen of dance. You!" Jax says pointing his finger to a tall blonde guy, "Blondie come join her." Jax played a new song, Lost in Japan and Blonde and I killed it. We ended with an arousing applause.

^^Last one @6:51


"Wow you're amazing," I complimented.

"You're not too bad yourself," he said with his blonde hair draping down his chiseled face. Wait no. No distractions. 

"Hehe bye now," I ran and found C who was just pulling up. 

"I saw you duet with the new kid, who is he," Carly said.

"I don't know. He's probably a 10th grader. Whatever." We started walking through the he halls of Keaton finding our way to the dance department.

"I saw your face V, you felt something. Chemistry."

"Please I'd be shocked to even see him in our class he looks older than sophomore year," I said pushing the doors open and lo and behold, Blondie. I guess my mouth dropped open.

"Might wanna pick up your jaw from the floor," Carly whispered, "He's looking." I rolled my eyes and made my way to the barre and Mr. Blonde was at my spot.

"This is my spot," I shot at him.

"Too bad, there's like 20 other places you could stand," he said back.

"You know wha-" I started,  burr was cut off by Ms. Helsweel.

"Class welcome back. This is our new student," Mrs. Helsweel pointed to the boy, "Mr. Beckett Bradstreet. Why don't you do an improv right now to show the class what you're made of."

Beckett made his way to the center and showed the class an excellent performance. 

"Acceptable," Mrs. Helsweel muttered, "This year we will do class ranking and the highest ranks will get to do the most work, but in order to do that I need to see what you're made of. Today you have solos to choreograph and preform within ten minutes. Time starts now."

I found a corner by the window and started running steps in my head. I decided to do a broken dance, basically the story of me last year. Just as I did a grand jete I looked to my right and caught Beckett looking at me and I fell exactly as I did last year, but not as bad. 

What is he doing to me. As I stood up again Mrs. Helsweel came in.

"Times up! Ms. Morita begin." I walked to the center eyes on my reflection from the mirror that's when I saw him looking right back at me. I lost my train of thought and as the music began I danced my heart out only remembering the grand jete at the end. I guess it must've been decent because Mrs. Helsweel smiled and nodded. 

I don't know what game Beckett is playing, but two can play the game.


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