In The Shower.

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Chapter 5:

Myah's POV:

I wake up to hear the shower running. It's been a whole week since I was taken from my home and I've spent nearly every moment since then with Darius. A lot of the guys from the pack were very pissed off when they heard I had picked Darius as my mate but they've seemed to have got used to it by now. I get of the bed yawning. I go into the bathroom and undress. I walk into the shower and find a naked Darius washing his hair.

"What are you doing? Wait for your turn", he says, chuckling. I chuckle too.

"Come on I'll only be two minutes", I say, giving him the puppy dog face.

"Alright, alright", he says giving in. I go into the shower with him. When we're finished we get out and dry off with a fluffy towel. "You got one small ass", Darius says, slapping my ass.

"Hey", I say, shoving his hand away. He laughs.

"What do you want to do today?" he asks putting on a t-shirt that shows off his muscular body.

"Relax", I reply.

"Hmm...I think I can make that happen", he says holding me by the waist. He kisses my neck then stops when there's a knock at the door.

"One sec," he shouts. He gets fully dressed then opens the door. It was Dominic.

"Pack meeting. It's urgent come on", Dominic says shooing Darius out of the door.

I wonder what was so urgent? I forget about it and continue to dry myself. When I'm done I put on a casual black and red dress and black pumps. I put on eye liner and mascara. I start to brush my blonde, wavy hair and put black bows in it, done. I walk to the kitchen and grab some breakfast. After an hour of waiting for Darius they finally finish the pack meeting.

"What's happened?" I ask when Darius enters the room.

"There's been a killing. They've been bitten and the bites similar to a wolf bite", he says massaging his face.

"What's that mean?" I ask, searching his eyes for an answer.

"It means there's a werewolf of the loose but we're not sure if it's from this pack", he says. "We'll have to go hunting every few nights to look for them. Don't worry we'll have someone guarding you outside of the house and inside the house. I won't let them hurt you", he says. He kisses me softly on the lips.

"I don't want you going what if you get hurt", I say, tears start to spring from my eyes.

"It's okay, I'll be fine I can look after myself, please don't cry", he says, wiping a tear away with his thumb. I nod. "How about we get back to what we were doing", he says, taking my hand. He carries me to our bedroom and starts kissing me. I put my legs around his waist and take off his top and he takes off my dress. Two minutes later we're fully naked.

"We don't have to do this if you're not ready", he says.

"I'm ready", I say. He starts going into me slowly then gets faster and faster. I start to moan and he starts breathing heavily. When we're finished we lay in bed in each other's arms. "I forgot to ask you, were you only nice to me from the start because you wanted me to choose you to be my mate?" I ask.

"What, of course not", he says, annoyed.

"Okay, okay", I say. We get dressed and go to the living room.

"Where'd you two go?" Dominic asks.

"Our bedroom", Darius says.

"Seriously dude", Dominic says.

"What's wrong with going to our bedroom", Darius says.

"What's wrong is what you two were doing in there. Don't think we don't know", Adam says. Darius chuckles and I blush.

"Okay let's change the subject", Dominic says.

"Yeah", I say quickly. Chase comes into the room.

"Darius can I see you for a moment", Chase says.

"Sure", Darius says, getting out of his chair and walking out of the room.

"I wonder what that's about", Adam says. Around eleven o' clock Darius comes into our room and undresses. He climbs into the bed and kisses my head goodnight.

"That was a very long moment", I say. He combs through my hair with his fingers.

"I know, sorry", he says.

"No need to be sorry", I reply. "What did he want you for?"

"Just about the werewolf killing", he says. I nod. "Night."

"Goodnight", I say. I kiss him softly on the lips and he holds me until I fall asleep.

Sorry that chapter was very short!

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