Love Is Hell Part 2.

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Y/n:"Its Kylie fucking Jenner's birthday!"I yelled into the mic hearing loud cheers and screams"Alright, I'm a little drunk so forgive my language, but I just want to wish my girl a very special happy birthday and thank you for putting up with me every single day"I smiled at her"And I hope Travis gives you some good dick tonight"He flipped me off as the crowd laughed.

I hopped off the stage and walked over to our group of friends to see that Vanessa finally showed up. I came back from Toronto three days ago and just in time for Kylie's birthday party. I saw them all greeting her and smiling when I saw him.

The wanna be rapper by her side.

Well, I guess its time to drink some more.

Y/n:"What did I miss?"I said giving her my best fake smile. She eyed me before giving me another fake smile of her own.

Vanessa:"Y/n"She said plainly.

Y/n:"Vanessa"I said with a bored expression.

"Oh, so you're the know, I still dont understand the hype"I heard an annoying voice say. I saw the others all look between us awkwardly making me look over at B- sneezy. 

I think that's his name.

Y/n:"I'm Y/n and you are?"I asked watching Vanessa's face fall.

"That's a joke right?"He laughed. I kept my face the same watching our group of friends stiffen their laughs.

I can be a dick when I want to be.

Y/n:"Uhm..OH! You're B-sneezy or something like that right?"I said making Hailey choke on her drink.

Hailey:"Oh, sweet Jesus"She coughed making Fai hit her back a little. I saw Vanessa's lovers face fall.

"Its G- Eazy"He said annoyed.

Y/n:"Eh, I was close..."I said sticking my hand out for him to shake. He shook my hand with a fake smile.

"Strong grip you got there..."I hummed and shrugged my shoulders.

Y/n:"I know, Vanessa thought the same at one stage"I smiled watching his face fall. 

Bella:"Okay, lets get going before-"

"Hey"I heard a familiar say. I turned around and saw Olivia standing there.

Y/n:"Hey..."I said with a confused smile.

Kylie;"Ohmygod, you made it!"She said pulling her into a hug.

Kendall:"Oh, tonight is going to be fun...."She said winking at me.

Vanessa:"Can I talk to one of you...right now"She said grabbing Bella's arm and dragging her somewhere into the crowd.

Abel:"I just love birthday parties"He chuckled making me laugh. I saw Vanessa walk back and say something to B-sneezy before walking to the bar.

Bella:"Well, uhm, that was good"She said sarcastically.

Olivia:"I'm sorry, maybe I shouldn't have come..."They all shook their heads.

Hailey:"No, its fine. Dont worry about her....she's just dramatic and after all, you have Y/n"She said pushing me forward.

Gigi:"Why didn't you say hello Y/n"She smirked. I rolled my eyes and faced Olivia with a smile.

Y/n:"I finished say hi but just to satisfy y'all, Hello Olivia"I smiled making her match my smile.

Olivia:"Hello rude person"I chuckled along with her"Oh! And I got this for you"She handed Kylie a huge gift bag.

Pain And Pleasure {Vanessa Moe/You} - Completed ✔Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora