Love Is Hell Part 8.

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I closed my door and leaned against it letting out a deep breathe. I peeled my jacket off of my body and walked towards the kitchen taking a glass and a bottle of Whiskey out. I opened the draw and saw all the ready made blunts Alex made for me and grabbed my lighter walking outside.

I sat outside and lit the blunt up and poured myself a drink looking at the view I had of LA. I finished the blunt and downed the glass before closing my eyes and laying back on the chair, feeling the cool LA breeze swirl around me.

I felt time start to stop as my mind finally stopped racing and just slowed down allowing all the wheels in my head to stop turning and the images of Vanessa to disappear....for now at least.

Bella:"Y/n Y/l/n!"I sighed with my eye still closed.

So much for relaxing.

Y/n:"I really need to change the locks in my house"I said hoping they didn't hear me.

Hailey:"Good luck with that"I kept my eyes closed knowing that they were all standing in front of me, ready to ask fifty questions.

But what I didn't want to see was Vanessa there.

I was hoping that she wasn't with them.

Gigi:"Y/n just look at us and talk...please"I heard the tone in her voice and opened my eyes. I saw five girls standing in front of me with Abel sitting on the pool chair next to me. He gave me a look and nodded towards them.

Abel:"Its either you tell them and let them get angry or have them find out and get angry....which do you think is better?"He asked.

Y/n:"Lets go inside and talk....its getting chilly"I got up from the pool chair and grabbed the bottle and glass walking inside the house.

Kendall:"We're not going to be angry with you....we just want you to be honest with us all tell us whats going on. And dont lie to us this time"I walked to my couch and sat down on it with them following. I ran my fingers through my short hair and huffed.

Y/n:"Ever since Olivia left me, I did a lot of thinking and I came to the conclusion that I started getting back into old habits with her because I did miss her, but I missed Vanessa more and I thought Olivia could fill the void. But what I didn't expect was to start feeling for Olivia again and it killed me"I said honestly sitting back on the couch"But what killed me more was seeing Vanessa with someone else, I guess in a way I used Olivia but I didn't mean to"I licked my lips.

Kylie:"So what? Are you feeling guilty because of that?"She asked trying to figure out what I was saying.

Y/n:"I am, but that's not the only thing. You all know that I love Vanessa....I love her a lot and its killing me because the girl I want doesn't want me. My mind is going insane with thoughts of her, my heart is breaking without her and I'm losing myself because she isn't with me. My biggest fears are coming true...."I mumbled looking at them.

Bella:"Whats your biggest fear Y/n?"She asked with a frown.

Y/n:"Being replaced and I was replaced....twice. And because of that....I started drinking, smoking...taking pills"I said watching them all close their eyes and shake their heads at me"I couldn't deal with everything. I'm going insane and when I take doesn't make me think about makes me focus more on other things"They all looked at me.

Pain And Pleasure {Vanessa Moe/You} - Completed ✔Where stories live. Discover now