Jaded Part 5.

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Elisha Herbert Above In The Picture, Next To Vanessa ☝


Six Months Later.....

Y/n:"You've been amazing tonight Hong Kong!"I said over looking the huge crowd in front of me.

Abel:"Goodnight and thank you!"He said making them all cheer as we exited the stage.

Lamar:"Shit! You two killed it tonight"He said making us laugh and grab a towel, wiping our faces.

Y/n:"I cant believe tonight was out last show"I said shaking my head"I'm going to miss this"I said making them pat my shoulders.

Abel:"At the rate you're going, you're going to have your own tour to do"He said making me chuckle"Come on, lets go change and head back to the hotel"He said making me nod and walk to the dressing room.

These past six months have been really eventful. Myself and Abel started the tour and it went amazing and during this time, I released new music. We took a small break from the tour making Drake offer me a chance to tour with him for a while which I took.

We had a week or two off, so during that time, I toured with Drake and did a few shows with him. I started working a lot on my music and spending a lot of time promoting my music and trying to make myself known which wasn't hard since my music has been topping the charts recently.

Los Angeles. I haven't been back there for six months and basically avoided it for months on end. I kept in touch with the girls and guys, but I haven't talked to Vanessa from that time and I didn't bother to ask about her because....well, she wasn't my responsibility.

I kept myself distanced from social media and anything that could possibly be connected to her, I only went on social media to post and promote something and that was it. Plus, during these past few months....I made sure to keep myself busy.

Abel:"Yo! Lets get going! I want to go and eat"He yelled banging on my door making me chuckle and put my shirt on. I grabbed all my belongings and opened the door making Abel sigh"Damn, you take way to long"He said making me close the door and put my cap on.

Y/n:"Shut up, I dont change as fast as you asshole"I said making him shove me and laugh"So, I was thinking about something"I said making him hum as we exited the arena.

Abel:"What is it now? Because you've been thinking a lot recently and I lowkey love it"He said making me chuckle and get in the car where Lamar was waiting.

Lamar:"Finally! Damn, you two slow as hell"He said making us both flip him off.

Y/n:"Shut up, and as I was saying....I was thinking that I could do a show in Toronto"I said making them both look at me with raised eyebrows"I'm serious, that's my hometown-our hometown and I want to do a show at home....its where everything started and I could ask Drake to come and Abel...I wanted to ask you to perform and stuff"I said making them both nod.

Abel:"We can talk to Cash about it, I dont think he would mind it but we should double check so we can sort dates out along with the venue etc"He said making me nod my head and feel my phone vibrate.

Lamar:"Ohhhh, is that Elisha?"He asked in a teasing tone making me roll my eyes and unlock my phone.

Abel:"You know, not many girls would fly all the way from Australia to Hong Kong for a booty call"He said making me reply to her and slip my phone back into my pocket.

Y/n:"That's because no one experienced my kind of a booty call"I said with a smirk making them both burst out laughing making me join.

Lamar:"Fuck, I love how this is our everyday life....its unreal"He said making us agree. I heard my phone ring making me pull out my phone and see Bella calling.

Pain And Pleasure {Vanessa Moe/You} - Completed ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ