Pain And Pleasure Part 2.

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Two Years Later....


Y/n:"Thank You"I smiled getting into the car as my driver shut the door. I groaned and rubbed my temples still feeling tired from my flight.

"Ms Y/l/n, would you like to get anything before we go to the hotel?"John, my driver asked.

Y/n:"Yeah, could you stop by a flower shop please"He nodded and started the engine, driving down the streets of Milan. 

Its been two years so far since my sisters wedding and everything was can be expected. Sure, there were rough times but there were also good times which counted the most.

My thoughts were cut off by my phone going off making me fish it out of my pocket and see that Bella was calling. I chuckled and answered the call once the car came to a stop.

Y/n:"Isabella"I chuckled hearing her fake cry on the other end.

Bella:"My baby, I've missed you so much"I hummed and let her continue with her fake sobbing"My life was so incomplete without you these past few months...I had no one to entertain me"She said with a seductive voice.

Y/n:"I see your seductive voice is getting better, have you been practicing on Abel for me?"I asked walking inside the flower shop and looking at some roses.

Bella:"I have, I had to make sure I was ready for you"She giggled and then sighed"He has been blue balling me for a week now and I know you dont need to know this but I know I can talk to you about this..."I hummed and listened to her"I'm horny as fuck"I laughed and shook my head.

Y/n:"Gigi called the other day and complained about you being horny and basically wanting Abel to give you something"She scoffed.

Bella:"I even asked him! Y/n/n, you know I dont have to look and the boy is basically throwing me on the bed"I chuckled listening to her little rant"You think Vanessa would be up for a threesome? I swear, I just need one good orgasm and I'm gone"I licked my lips and laughed at how serious she actually sounded.

Y/n:"Bella, we both know once you go Y/n, you never go back...just look at Vanessa"She laughed and hummed.

Bella:"I think all of us are a little dry with you and the guys being gone. Zayn is back home for his sisters wedding, Abel is working on his album  and Lamar is helping him and the same goes for Travis, Fai is helping Justine with one of her concerts that's coming up in Miami and you are still in Huston"She sighed dramatically. I chuckled a little since her along with the others didn't know that I flew out here to be with them during fashion week.

Y/n:"I know, but I thought that I should get all my work done before coming back home, you know?"She mumbled something and sighed.

Bella:"I know..."She said sadly.

Y/n:"What are you girls up to anyways? I texted V and she said she's gonna watch some movies"She hummed before I heard some shuffling.

Bella:"Yeah, we're all going to go to her room to chill out, I'm not feeling good and so is Kendall so we're just trying to relax for our one day off"I frowned and nodded.

Y/n:"Alright, I'll let you girls rest. I'll call a little later...bye Bells, love you"I could picture her smile.

Bella:"I love you too, daddy Y/n/n"I chuckled and hung up. I walked to the florist and smiled.

Y/n:"Hey, could you help me with some arrangements please?"I asked making the middle aged women smile.

"Sure, what do you need help with?"She asked.

Pain And Pleasure {Vanessa Moe/You} - Completed ✔Where stories live. Discover now