Jack Avery Cancer

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Zach's pov
I can't believe that my cru- I mean my best friend is in hospital with cancer. Me and the boys our on our way to see him. When we arrived, we had to wait because, Jack was in the middle of chemotherapy. Daniel noticed that I was really tense. "Hey, Zach you look really tense." He said looking at me. "Yeah, I am." I replied quickly. "Why?" He asked confused. "Well, what if Jack doesn't make it? What if dies? What if I don't even get to say goodbye?" I asked with tears in my eyes. "This is why he's doing chemotherapy. So, he won't die." He said putting his arm around me. I still had tears in my eyes and a few fell down my rosy cheeks. Daniel noticed and pulled out a pack of tissues from his pocket. "Thanks " I said as I used one to wipe my tears away. "Jack Avery?" Asked a doctor looking over the crowded waiting room. We all jumped up at the same time and ran over to him. "Follow me." He said smiling. We followed him over to Jack's room. He opened the door and we walked in. Jack was wearing a baseball cap. His hair must be very neat because, there wasn't any bits sticking out of the sides. Unless.... No! It can't be! He's lost his hair! His amazing noodles are gone forever! He was fast asleep so, I had to whisper. "Guys, Jack's lost his noodles." I whisperd sadly. They looked at me and then at Jack. "Oh no." Said Jonah sadly. "His noodles." Said Daniel also sadly. "There's no hair sticking out from the side of his hat." Said Corbyn also sadly. We all started to cry quietly and hugging each other. Suddenly, I heard some movement coming from Jack's bed. I looked over to see him wading up. I walked over to his bed, grabbed a chair and sat down. He looked at me sadly and I held his hand tightly. "You alright, Jack?" I asked. "The c-cancer it's finally k-killing me." Said Jack with tears in his eyes. "No, dont say that." I said as tears started to form in my eyes. A few tears fell from Jack's eyes and I wiped them away with my thumb.

Jonah's pov
About a month later, I got a phone call from the hospital Jack's at. "Hello?" I asked. "Hi, this is the hospital Jack Averys at, I'm just calling to tell you that today is possibly his last day to live." Said the lady down the phone. "We'll be right there." I said as I hang up. "Guys, we're going to the hospital now." I said as everyone got their shoes on. We ran out of the door and got into the car. I explained to the others about what's happening. Zach started to cry and Daniel puts his around him. When we arrived, we climbed out of the car and ran inside. We got told where Jack's room was and we ran there. "Whoa, slow down boys." Said a nurse chuckling. "Sorry but, we're here to see Jack Avery." Said Corbyn. "Oh, right this way. This is possibly his last day so, make the most of it." Said the nurse sighing sadly. We followed the nurse who lead us to Jack's room. She opened the door to his room and we walked in. I started to hear small cry and I looked down to see Zach on his knees crying his eyes out. I helped him up and hugged him tightly. He cried into my chest. He then pulled out of the hug and walked over to a lifeless looking Jack, still wearing his baseball cap.

Zach's pov
I looked at Jack's sad and tear stained face. I sighed sadly and sat down on the chair next to his bed. It was silent. All that was heard was his heart monitor beeping very slowly. Jack's eyes slowly opened and he looked at me. "Zach... I just wanted... to say before... I go that I... love you so much." Said Jack weakly. My eyes started to fill with tears and I started to cry. I leant over and we kissed each other on the lips. We stopped kissing when a long beeping could be heard. Jack was gone. I bursted out crying and two nurses came in a took Jack out of his room. The boy's started to cry but, I was the loudest out of all of them. The love of my life just died right in front of me. I ran up to the boys and we all hugged each other crying.

Well, this made me cry. Which is weird because, none of my own stories make me cry. Byeeeee.

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