Jonah Marais Fever

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I know I've already done one like this on Corbyn but, I'm running out of ideas lol. Hope you enjoy!

Jack's pov
I haven't seen Jonah all day and I'm starting to get worried. It's 4.30pm and he's no where to be seen. "Where's Jonah?" I asked Daniel. "I don't know. I haven't seen him all day." He replied. "Niether have have I." I said as I stood up. "Where are you going?" Daniel asked. "He might be in his room." I said walking out of the living room, down the hall and into Jonah's room. His door was shut so, I knocked three times. "Come in." Jonah said quietly. I opened the door to see him bundled up under his duvet and on top of it were three thick blankets. "Jonah, aren't you hot?!" I asked shocked. He shook his head and quietly said: "I'm freezing." I looked at him with a confused look on my face. I walked over to him and took the blankets and duvet of him. "I'm cold, Jacky." He whined. He's never called me Jacky before. That means there's definitely something wrong with him. He was sweating buckets but, saying he was cold. "Jonah, do you feel sick?" I asked. "Yes, I already threw up three times." He replied grabbing his duvet and blankets out of my hand. "Jonah, I'm not letting you have these. Your sweating buckets." I said taking them of him, again. "No!" He yelled he grabbed his pillow and wiped his sweaty forehead on it. "Great, that needs to go in the wash now." I said a bit disgusted. He threw the pillow across the room. "Right, I'm taking your temperature." I said as I dropped the duvet and blankets on the floor. I ran into the kitchen and went into the medicine cabinet. I found the thermometer and grabbed it. I ran back into Jonah's room. "Open up." I said ready to put the thermometer in his mouth. "No!" He yelled as he stood up but, he instantly fell over. "Jonah, are you ok?" I asked worriedly. "I feel weak." He said with tears in his eyes. "I need the others." I mutter to myself. I like my head out of the door and call for the others. The instantly came running up to me. The see Jonah and freak out. "What the hell?!" Asked Zach shocked. "I need to take his temperature but, he doesn't want me too as you can probably tell." I said pointing at Jonah who was lying on the floor looking up at the ceiling. "Let me try." Said Corbyn taking the thermometer out of my hand and walking over to Jonah. "Sit up, Jonah." Corbyn said helping him to sit up. "Can you open your mouth, please?" He asked sweetly. Jonah shook his head and put his hand over his mouth. "Grab the bucket." I told Zach he ran of to get the bucket. He came back like, two seconds later and ran over to Jonah. Corbyn took it of Zach and put it under Jonah's face. Jonah started to throw up in the bucket. Corbyn rubbed his back while, I rubbed his stomach. About 5 minutes later, he stopped throwing up. "That took a long time." Said Daniel worriedly. I nodded in agreement as I helped Jonah back into bed. I gave his duvet back but, not his blankets. "I'm boiling." He whined kicking his duvet off. I grabbed the thermometer out of Corbyn's hand and walked round to where Jonah was laying. "Come on, Jonah open your mouth." I said gently and playing with his hair. He finally opened his mouth and I put the thermometer in his mouth. We waited for it to beep. When it beeper I quickly took it out and read what it said. "103.5 degrees!" I said shocked. The others, expect Jonah, gasped. Daniel ran to grab some fever reducers. A couple seconds later, he came back with some. He handed them to me and I gave two to Jonah. Zach got some water and gave it to Jonah. He took the pills with some water and fell asleep. Poor Jonah. I hate seeing him sick. He's normally such a happy person but, seeing him so upset and ill breaks my heart.

I hope you guys are enjoying this book. I don't know if I should end it yet. Let me know if I should end it yet. Oh, and the for 500 reads. I really appreciate your support. Byeeeee.

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