Chapter Fourteen: Phantom Lord Pt5

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Braedey and Erza both took stances, ready to stand their ground. "This guy is tough... really tough. How do we stop him?" the former asked.

Titania was silent as she contemplated on a possible strategy to fight Jose. She knew he was very powerful. Hell, he was on par with Makarov. Nonetheless, she knew that Braedey and herself were both powerful as well, but not strong enough to take him on alone. There was only one option. "He's just as powerful as Master Makarov." Erza said. "The only chance we have of defeating him is to fight him together."

Ultimate Soundwave nodded. Though he would've preferred to fight Jose alone with one of his heavy-hitters, he knew that he would only cause a lot of damage and possibly hurt one of his friends by mistake. Besides, teaming up with Erza would be put the odds more in their favour. "Sounds good to me," Braedey replied.

"Killing you two will bring me so much pleasure!" Jose jeered manically, as he lit up his hands with darkness magic and fired another ethereal tornado at the duo.


Ultimate Soundwave quickly jumped in front of Erza, crossed his arms, and created a super-strong sound barrier that deflected the swirling blast. However, the force of the attack did make the hyper-evolved Cybertronian slide back a few meters. As soon as Jose ceased his attack, an eyebrow lifted when he saw that a certain armour-shifting wizard was missing.

'Now where did Miss Titania go?' Jose mused. Titania made her presence known when she flew at the darkness wizard and attempted to slash him. Master Jose, however, saw this coming and simply sidestepped the attack. He grinned sinisterly. 'Ah... there she is.' Erza slashed at him relentlessly, trying to land a blow, but Jose avoided them with ease. When she lunged at him, Jose grabbed Erza's forearm, spun around and threw her across the room. In midair, she corrected herself and landed on her feet.

With Erza out of range, Braedey held out his hands and fired a powerful sonic blast, which threw Jose into the nearest wall. The impact with the wall caused stones to fall and a debris cloud to form around the darkness mage, blocking Braedey and Erza's sight of Jose. Ultimate Soundwave was expecting Jose to leap out of the dust cloud pissed off; however, he was met by surprise when the sadistic wizard suddenly appeared behind him. The Transformatrix teen was unprepared for a powerful punch coated with purple energy to the face. Braedey went careening back, bounced off the wall, and then fell back to the stone floor in a comical fashion. Without looking, Jose ducked low to avoid what would've been a lethal swipe from Erza. Titania then slashed vertically but Jose simply dodged that blow as well, a confident, smug grin on his face. This only enraged Erza more as she slashed countless times at Jose, in different patterns, all within a blink of an eye. Amazingly, their enemy evaded every attack. Jose then went on the offensive, holding out his hand and flicking his finger at Erza. The result was a small but powerful projectile of violent energy smacking into her, which sent her flying backwards and into a pile of rubble.

Ultimate Soundwave picked himself up in time to see Erza get blown back. His blue eyes widened a bit from shock. Jose had simply flicked her away like an insect! Braedey glared at the darkness mage and clenched his fists in anger. He wanted to throw some sonic disks at him and make another Sonic Doom attack; unfortunately, Braedey knew that wouldn't work on him again. Instead, Braedey rose off the ground and flew above Jose. The hyper-evolved Cybertronian tilted back his head and then unleashed an all-out, sonic scream. Phantom Lord's master was forced to his knees from the powerful sound-waves. The floor underneath Jose's feet even began to crack away into tiny fragments and dent downward into a bowl. Despite the agonizing pain that Jose was feeling, he brought up his head and scowled at his opponent. The darkness mage let out a fierce cry as he shot out an amethyst tendril of ghosts from his magical seal. Ultimate Soundwave wasn't quick enough as a ghostly hand wrapped around him and tossed him into Erza, who was just getting up from the rubble. The duo slammed into each other with a loud smack; both groaned in pain from the impact.

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