Chapter Four: Galuna Island Pt1

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Braedey remained in the main hall for a while longer, continuing to mull over everything that happened today. Eventually, he thought he might finally be able to get some sleep. "I guess I should head off to bed too." He muttered.

He was about to stand up and head off to the back section, until he noticed something moving inside the guild hall. It was dark, but not so dark that he couldn't make things out. He looked up, to see Happy, floating close to the ceiling using his wings, clearly trying to be inconspicuous. He saw the blue feline fly to the upper floor of the guild hall, which immediately raised a red flag in Braedey's mind.

A few moments later, he saw Happy flying away from the second floor and towards an open window, carrying a piece of paper in his paws. Braedey waited for the flying cat to exit through the window before standing up, his suspicions raised immensely. He had no doubt in his mind that what Happy just flew off with was one of the S-Class quests Mirajane told him about earlier.

"That cannot be good..." Braedey stated.


Meanwhile, Lucy was currently walking through Magnolia on her way down the stone-paved path back to her apartment as she thought to herself excitedly.

'Wow! Mystogan and Laxus! That is so cool. I can't believe how many famous wizards there are in Fairy Tail!' She grinned slyly. "And I think I'm starting to figure out how everybody's ranked within the guild."

As she entered her apartment building, which appeared not much different from your average house, she continued to talk out loud to herself. "Gotta start workin' my way to the top!" She proclaimed.

With that, Lucy turned the doorknob to her apartment and opened the door. However, what she found inside was unlike anything she expected. There, on her bed, was both Natsu and Happy, the fire-breather having abandoned his vest and was doing sit-ups and the blue feline lifting a large dumbbell, or at least for his size anyway.

"Welcome home!" Natsu greeted, doing sit-ups.

"Sup?" Happy resumed lifting his dumbbell.

"AAAAAAAAHHHH!" Lucy rushed over to Natsu and Happy and kicked them both out of her bed, much to their discomfort and pain. "YOU GUYS STINK!" As Natsu and Happy got up off the floor, Lucy angrily pointed out the window. "Why don't you jerks work out at your own house?!"

Natsu grinned happily. "Now, Lucy, if we wanna work together like a team-" He pulled out a pink dumbbell, "-we gotta train like one!"

"We thought you'd like the pink dumbbell." Happy added.


Ignoring Lucy's angry outburst, Natsu and Happy then get on the floor, and began doing pushups. "We gotta kick it up a notch if we wanna beat Laxus and Erza. And Braedey too!" Natsu claimed.

"Aye, sir." Happy agreed.

"I just want a little peace and quiet, now GET OUT!" Lucy demanded.

Natsu and Happy then begin doing pushups at a faster rate, both of them now whispering as they talk, and picking up greater speed with their pushups by the second.

"Don't worry, we'll train quietly, Lucy!" Natsu whispered.

"Why does this kinda stuff always happen to me...?!" Lucy cried comically.

Natsu then ceased his pushups with Happy following his example. For a brief moment, everything was silent, until the fire wizard spoke, "I've made a decision..." Lucy turned back to Natsu, a puzzled look on her face with Natsu turning up to look at her, wearing his usual confident grin. "Our team is ready for the big time: S-Class!" He declared zealously.

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