Chapter Five: Galuna Island Pt2

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After a long trek through the jungle, Braedey, Natsu, Lucy, Gray and Happy finally arrived at the one and only village on Galuna Island. It was impossible to tell what the village was like, partly because it was now night time, but also because the village was surrounded by high wooden walls with pointed carved tops. Posted on the main gate was the dreaded "Keep Out" sign.

"Well, we found the village." Gray noted.

"Check out that gate..." Natsu remarked. "When they say 'Keep Out', they mean it."

"So, do we just knock at the front door now?" Braedey asked, unsure of how to answer a wizarding job request; especially since he wasn't one.

Lucy answered by stepping forward and yelling out, "Is anyone there!? We came to help you!" The only answer they received was silence.

"Let's bust in," Natsu said, an impish grin on his face.
"No way!" Lucy yelled at him.

Finally, a voice called out from the top of the wall. "Who goes there?"

The group looked up to see two guards staring down at them. "We're wizards from Fairy Tail," Lucy answered. "We're responding to your request!"

"Why weren't we notified that you'd accepted the request?" The voice asked suspiciously.

Though in Braedey's mind, the person had every right to be; especially since the wizards had taken the job against the rules.

Lucy tried to come up with a reason, but Gray beat her to the punch, and called out, "There was probably just a mix-up with the paperwork!"

"Then let me see your guild emblems." The lookout challenged. "right now!"

Natsu moved his scarf, which had partially concealed his red guild mark on his right shoulder. Happy shifted his knapsack to reveal his green mark on his back. Gray lifted his shirt to show his blue emblem on the right side of his chest. Lastly, Lucy showed the pink emblem on the back of her right hand.

Needless to say, the guards were stunned. Those emblems were legit! "They're here..." the lookouts stammered in shock. "They're really here!" The sentry was about to open the gate immediately, but stopped when he had noticed a certain person in the group had not shown them any guild mark.

"Wait... that proves who you are," one of the guards replied, "but what about him?" Even without seeing him, Braedey knew that the guy was pointing right at him.

"He's with us!" Natsu snapped. "You gonna turn down extra help?"

The sentry didn't really have an answer to that; after all, with the situation the village was in, they'd need all the help they can get. Braedey was very grateful as the gate soon opened.

"It's like we're walking into a giant monster's mouth." Happy commented, noting how the pointed ends of the gate resembled sharp teeth.

"Are you trying to freak me out...?" Lucy said, annoyed.

The group stepped forward, only to be greeted by a large crowd of people wearing cloaks, hoods and cloth across their faces, concealing almost all of their features.

"I am Moka, the village chief," the lead figure said, leaning on a staff with a crescent moon on the top, "and on behalf of everyone here, I welcome you. Pleasantries aside, there's something you need to see; now, my people!"

The villagers as one dropped their cloaks, and for a moment, Braedey thought they were going to attack them. Instead, the group was greeted by a familiar, yet disturbing, sight. For the most part, the people all looked human, but every single one of them had a monstrous body part. Arms with claws, legs with talons on the feet, even horns on heads; no one was unchanged, not even the smallest children.

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