chapter 21 Day with Tatum

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Jesse's perview- I woke up and saw Tate?! right next to me. I rubbed my eyes and yep it was Tate, why was he in here with me I thought. I sat up and that woke tate up he was wearing Ninja Turtle Pj pants and a white tank top.

"Whatca Doing in here with me'' I asked

"because I miss you and I was scared so I snuk out to come see you and you were sleeping so I crawled in and slept with you" he said all happy like. I crawled out and he followed me, I picked him up and I saw Shara was gone. I knew Justin would sleep longer so I left him there. I carried Tate back up to the house. Man he was getting heavy well he is Three almost four so ya know. I walked in the house and Caroline looked worried

".whats wrong momma'' I asked and she stopped walking

"I'm looking for tate" she answered

"here I am!!!! Here I am!!!!!!!'' Tate said while wiggling around so I set him down.

" OH my gosh Tatum Christoper Bryan never ever scare me like that'' Caroline snapped and Tate turned from all Happy to full blown tears. He ran back to me and begged me to pick him up. So i did i couldn't help it I hate seeing his Little face all red. He burried his face in to my shoulder and he cried. I gave my momma a look. She just rolled her eyes and walked away. I took Tate up stairs to give him a bath and dress him. After his bath I carried him to His room, I put his red "I'm batman" shirt on and tan Kiki shorts. I fixed his hair and then I carried him back down stairs. I made breakfest for both of us and after we ate, I held his hand and we walked back to the camp site. He helped me clean up and everything Justin had left already so I didnt worry about him.

" So tater bug what do you want today!" I asked.

"Well hang out with you" he said I laughed. We were done cleaning up so I carried Tate to the barn. I was gonna take the gator in to the woods but Tate wanted to ride something horse. I didn't care Player was a great horse. So I saddled him up and set Tate on. I climbed up, we rode off. Tate giggled when player would grab leaves off the tree while walking. I saw Tate reach out and grab some leaves himself. He made and horse noise and pretend to be a horse eating leaves. He soon dropped the leaves and looked at the view. The player stopped. My arm wrapped around Tate and I held him hard against me. A few deer jumped in front of us and I was praying my horse won't be stupid and get spooked but he did. He jerked to the side causing Tate to slide a little bit off but I was holding him tight. I got my horse back on track we kept walking. Tate asked questions and told stories. It was cute, it's been awhile sense I got to listen to Tate talk. Bo is the one who can talk forever with out taking a breath.
"Sissy did you know there is a big deer in these woods and he watches over all the other deer in these woods" Tate said in his story telling/ country twang baby talk.
"No I never knew that" I said. And he nodded his head. We came up to a stream and Tate laughed when we went threw in because player was stomping his feet causing water to get all over Tate's legs and feet. We got to the other side and I started to take a different path. It was another way home but I didn't tell Tate that. It was long way As well so we had fun. We got home and Tate helped me put away player.
"So Tate what do you want to do know" I asked.
"I dunno" he answered. We went back up to the house. Bo was awake, he was laying out on the couch watching cartoons. Luke was up as well, he was sitting at the bottom of the staircase. And I don't know where Caroline was. I had Tate go over to Bo, so I could talk to Luke.
"Hey Luke" I said while sitting next to him. He looked up, cocked a eyebrow and looked down.
"Hey are you alright" I asked.
"Yeah I'm fine" he lied.
"Liar" I mumbled.
"What" he asked.
"Liar" I said again.
"Jess I miss you" he said with tears in his eyes.
"What do you mean" I asked.
"Jesse we used to everything tougher and know that you older you've changed, I feel like your not my little girl anymore" luke said he was now crying. I hugged him and he held me tight.
"I love you daddy" I said.
"I love you to baby girl" he said.
"Oh and Jesse" dad said
"Yes dad" I answered.
He let out a big sigh.
"I found your real family" he said.
"Haha you're funny dad" I laughed but he wasn't laughing.
"Wait your serious" I gasped.
"Yeah I'm serious. Jesse your parents were killed they were shot when someone broke in to there house" Luke said. I sat down this was so much to take in.
"You have a older brother named Tyler" Luke added. I stood up.
"Tell Tate I'm in my room if he's looking for me" I said and I quickly went up stairs and in to my room. I can't believe was Luke just told me. This was a lot to take in. I just need to breath and let in sink in. I soon started to fall asleep and I was out before I knew it.

Luke bryan wants me? (ON HOLD)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang