Through the trapdoor

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Exams were finally here I couldn't believe it. I must have looked over my notes 10x last night.
It was sweltering hot in each classroom I went to.
Each teacher made us do different things that just got harder and harder.
Professor Flitwick made us jinx pineapples into dancing across the desk. Professor McGonagall watched as we turned a mouse into a snuffbox. Snape was the hardest, he wanted us to make a Forgetfulness potion. 

I did exceptionally in all classes. But it was hard to concentrate with the back of my right wrist burning. Hermione thought it was just nerves. Maybe she's right but that doesn't explain why I've been having nightmares of a hooded figure dripping with blood. 

What happened in the Forbidden Forest still made me nervous. Harry said that I blacked out after the center whose name is Firenze saved us. But he won't tell me anything else.
But Hermione kept me busy with studying for the rest of the exams. 

Finally, the last exam was History of Magic. One hour of answering questions about batty old wizards who'd invented self-stirring cauldrons. Finally, I was done. I could finally relax for a whole week. 

"That was far easier than I thought it would be," said Hermione as they joined the crowds flocking out onto the sunny grounds. 

"Well, I'm bummed I read half of those old History books for nothing. He didn't even make the questions hard. Seriously he could of at least made us write an essay about the 1637 Werewolf Code of Conduct." I said glumly. 

We were laying on the grass next to the lake under the tree. 

"No more studying," Ron sighed happily, stretching out on the grass."You could look more cheerful, Harry and Magnolia,  we've got a week before we find out how bad we've done, there's no need to worry yet."

Harry rubbed his forehead and I grabbed my right wrist.
"My scar keeps hurting." My brother winced. 

"Mine too, it's never been this bad before though," I said gripping my wrist tighter. 

"Go to Madam Pomfrey," Hermione suggested. 

"We're not ill," said Harry. 

"I think it's a warning... It means danger is near . . ." I said thinking about how much my scar hurt when we saw the hooded figure. 

Ron looked a bit annoyed.
"You two should relax, as long as Dumbledore's around the stones safe and there's no danger. Besides we've never had proof that it really was Snape who's trying to get the stone. So he got his leg a bit ripped up that doesn't mean much." Oh so now he believes me about Snape not being evil. 

"I guess you're right it's probably just nerves," I said feeling unsure. I know it's not Snape trying to steal the stone but I can't help but feel like there's something we need to do to protect it.
Then Harry jumped to his feet. 

"Harry, what's wrong?" I asked as we all climbed to our feet. 

"I just thought of something," said Harry turning white. "We've got to go see Hagrid, now."

"Why?" Asked Hermione panting, hurrying to keep up. 

"Don't you think it's a bit odd," said Harry, scrambling up the grassy slope, "that what Hagrid wants more than anything else is a dragon, and a stranger turns up who just happens to have an egg in his pocket? How many people wander around with dragon eggs if it's against wizards law?"

"Lucky they found Hagrid," I said suspiciously. "You're right Harry, why didn't I see it before." 

"What are you two talking about?" Asked Ron but Harry and I were too busy sprinting towards Hagrids hut. 

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