The trap door

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"Are you serious, Professor?"  Wood asked with a puzzled expression. 

"They're naturals. One can play one game and if the other can't make it or if they simply want to switch,  they're perfect." She looked like she won the lottery.

"Well they are built for it." Wood looked at both of us. "Even if they are a bit young." He looked concerned but happy at the same time. 

We went out to the Quidditch field and listened to Wood teach us about Quidditch. 

"Right," said Wood setting down a heavy suitcase looking thing and unlocking it. "Now Quidditch is easy enough to understand, even if it's not too easy to play. There are seven players on each side. Three of them are called Chasers."

I nodded Harry was hanging on ever word. Wood took out a bright red ball from the suitcase  the size of a soccer ball. 

"This ball's called the Quaffle," said Wood. "The Chasers throw the Quaffle to each other and try and get it through one of the hoops to score a goal. Ten points every time the Quaffle goes through one of the hoops. Follow me?"

"The Chasers throw the Quaffle" my brother said. 

"And put it through the hoops to score" I finished. 

Wood smiled at us like we were his pride and joy.
"Now, there's another player on each side who's called the Keeper I'm Keeper for Gryffindor. I have to fly around our hoops and stop the other team from scoring."
"Three Chasers," said Harry

"One Keeper," I finished. 

"And they play with the Quaffle." We said together.

"You guys are like Fred and George you know." Wood said a tiny smirk on his lips.  

I smiled. "So what are they for?" I pointed at 2 balls that were strapped in the suitcase and it looked like they were... Moving. 

After an hour of leaning everything about Quidditch we went to the Great hall.
I sat with Hermione and Harry sat next to me  with Ron. 

"You must be the youngest seekers in a century!" Ron basically screamed. I could tell he was a bit jealous, so I tried to change the subject. 

"So what do you think about the Charms homework?" My plan didn't work, because two certain cute twins walked into the halls yelling "We've got the princess,  we've got the princess!" They bowed down. I couldn't help but giggle. 

"Hey I'm on the team too." I heard my brother say. This gave me a great idea. 

"Oh boys your princess demands you to show my brother how happy you are that he's also on the team," I smirked. 

The twins looked at me with admiration then they looked over at Harry. 

"Wait . . .what . . . guys I was just joking... " my poor brother tried to scramble away but Fred and George grabbed him and gave him a great hug yelling at the top of their lungs.

 "WE LOVE YOU HARRY AND WE'RE SO HAPPY YOU'RE ON THE TEAM WITH US!!!!" Hermione, Ron, and literally the whole school was laughing even the teachers. Harry was bright red but laughing with everyone else. 

But then they looked to me and smiled.
"Well George don't you think that we should show our appreciation to the lovely princess too? " Fred asked his brother with a sneaky grin. 

"Yes, I do Fred." George looked at his brother then looked at me. 

"Pay back time sis." My brother smiled at me. 

Uh oh I thought.  I got up and slowly backed away.
They all leaped towards me and I found  myself  in a tight hug laughing not knowing someone was staring at me.

Dracos POV
She was laughing like a maniac. Why did she have to look so pretty when she laughed... Wait what am I saying?!  She's a goody-two-shoes who thinks she can do whatever she wants. But she looks so happy. Her eyes shining like two emeralds. Seeing those Weasleys have their hands around her made me feel . . .weird. It's probably just puberty.

Magnolias POV
I was walking down the corridor with Ron, Harry, and even though Ron keeps giving her both dirty looks, Hermione. 

"Your father would be so proud Magnolia." Hermione kept saying. 

Suddenly the stairs changed. 

"Come on, let's go this way." my brother called. 

We walked into a strange hall that I haven't seen before. 

"We can't be here!" Hermione whispered screamed. Suddenly we heard a meow. We turned and saw Mrs. Noris. The caretaker's cat looking at us with blood-red eyes. 

"Run!" My brother yelled at us. He didn't need to tell me twice. 

We ran into a door, Ron tried to open it but it didn't budge.
"That's it, we're done for." He whined. 

"Oh move over," Hermione ordered. "Alohomora!" She yelled.

We opened the door, once inside we slammed it shut.  

"I wonder why the door was locked." I heard my brother say. 

"Magnolia, are you ok?" my brother asked. 

I couldn't speak or move for that matter.
The creature had three heads, dog heads. It had black fur but its eyes were darker than coal.
Suddenly the dog heads looked at us and roared.
We all screamed at the same time then ran out of the door and closed it.
We were walking to the Gryffindor common room talking about the three-headed dog when Hermione asked "Did you see what was under his paw?" 

"Its paw!" Ron whispered shouted. "I was a bit busy looking at its teeth to notice what was under its paw, Hermione!"

Hermione rolled her eyes and finished speaking "It was a trapdoor,  it was guarding a trapdoor"

 We got to the Fat Lady painting,  I said the password "Pig snout" breathless. When we went inside Hermione grabbed my hand and led me to the staircase to the girls dormitory.

She looked back at Harry and Ron "we're going to bed before you get us killed or worse, expelled." 

"Goodnight guys." I quickly said before being pulled upstairs.
I fell asleep thinking of what was hiding under the trap door.

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