Nicolas Flamel

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"He's found us!" I heard a man's voice scream.
"I love you." He whispered.
My mother who held me tighter could feel something bad coming.
"I love you both. Daddy loves you both." I heard her whisper.
Then a flash of green light.

"Magnolia!" Hermione was shaking me.

"Are you ok?" She asked looking concerned. 

"Yeah, it was just a nightmare," I said breathing heavily. 

Hermione came back yesterday which I was really happy about.
I told her everything that happened. 

Harry and I were always too tired to look for Nicolas Flamel.
Wood was working for the team harder. The rain didn't stop us from training. The Weasley twins complained that Wood was becoming a maniac, but Harry and I agreed with Wood. 

While Wood wasn't looking the Weasley twins pretended to fall off their brooms. 

"Will you stop messing around!" Wood yelled. "Snape's refereeing this time, and he'll be looking for any reason to knock off points from Gryffindor."

Everyone started complaining. I'm not one to complain so I simply let out a sigh and mentally started planning a schedule where I'd be able to train more. I dressed in a red sweater, a black skirt, and sheer tights. When I came out all eyes were on me. 

While I was sitting in the common room Harry came running to me.
"Let me play at the Quidditch match. Snape might try to hurt you."

"No." I simply said. "I'm not backing down from this match."\

"Please, Maggie."

"If it makes you feel better I'll be careful."

"I'm not going to win this argument am I?"

"Not likely"

"Fine just be careful."

"Yes dad" I giggled. He's way too overprotective. I feel bad for my future boyfriend. Harry might kill him. Not kidding. 

Hermione and Ron came through the portrait hole and sat down next to us. Ron blushed when he saw me.  

An hour later Neville came to the common room or rather hopped to the common room.
"Umm Neville, you need some help?" I asked. 

"Yes please"

Hermione performed the countercurse. 

"Who did it, Neville?" Hermione asked

"Draco Malfoy" he mumbled. 

I got up but before I could move Hermione grabbed my wrist.
"Emily! You're going to do something stupid."

"Correction, I'm going to do something amazing," I said. 

"Harry, Ron help me." She looked at them.

Harry and Ron didn't even move.
"I'm good," Ron said. 

"I'm on my sisters' side." My brother said knowing I'd probably attack him if he tried to stop me. 

She gripped harder on my wrist. Luckily Fred and George came in.
"Sorry, Mione' but you leave me no choice. Fred, George I could use some help."

They looked at Hermione holding my wrist. They started tickling her making her let go of me. I ran to the portrait door she ran after me. 

I ran to the dungeon. Luckily Draco was walking my way.
"Hey Flower, come to find me?" He asked smirking. 

I slapped that smirk right off his face.
"OW!" He yelled. 

"Leave Neville alone, Malfoy." I was about to slap him again but Hermione grabbed my arm and held me back. 

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