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Magnolia POV
I was sitting across from  Harry and Ron. Hermione was sitting next to me. We were talking about all our classes.
When we arrived I couldn't look away from the castle it was beautiful.
We were all piled into the hallway listening to Mrs. McGonagall an old stern-looking lady. When she went away a cold voice came from the crowd.
"So it's true then. The Potter twins are at Hogwarts." A boy walked up to the front of us. He was super pale with blond, almost white, hair that was gelled back. Talk about a bad hair day. He had grey eyes that looked like they were ready to kill. But there was something about them that made me not want to look away. A certain power you have to be born with.
"I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He was staring right at me.

Draco POV
Her eyes reminded me of sparkling emeralds. Her skin looked super soft. Her hair resembled fire. There's no lying. She was a very pretty girl. You'd have to be stupid not to notice. When I said my name I heard a snicker escape from a red-headed boy.
"Think my name funny for you? Well, I don't have to ask for yours. Red hair, hand me down clothes, you're a Weasley."I smirked and turned my attention back to the Potters.
"You don't wanna be making friends with the wrong sort. Some families are better than others. I can help you with that." I held out my hand to the boy.

"I think we can figure out who the wrong sort are by ourselves." The boy said. The girl smirked. I glared at them but someone cleared their throat and when I turned around Mrs. McGonagal was glaring at me. I quickly went back to my place while the girl was giggling like a maniac. I could tell that there was no way we'd be anything more than enemies.

Magnolias POV
What a git I thought. Who does he think he is? Saying who I should and shouldn't be friends with. I officially hate him. I wasn't really listening until I heard Mrs. McGonagal yell: Harry Potter.
It was Harry's turn to be sorted. My heart stopped. What if we don't get into the same house?  What if we go our separate ways?
"Better be... GRYFFINDOR!" The hat shouted.
"Magnolia Potter" I heard my name and held my head high even though I've never been more scared in my life.
When the hat was placed on my head, well more or less since it nearly covered my eyes, it started whispering "hmm very tricky even more than your brother.  You are incredibly smart and resourceful but you're also incredibly generous. Such a troublemaker you are, you're ambitious and you know what you want..."
I held my breath.
"You're definitely brave, much like your brother, I'd usually put you in Slytherin." My whole body went rigid. "However I can see that I need to put you in  . . .GRYFFINDOR!" 

I smiled and hopped off the chair and gave the hat back to Professor McGonagall. The whole Gryffindor table clapped louder than any of the other students. That made me smile as I sat down next to Hermione across from Ron and Harry at the table.

Snapes Pov

She looked every bit like her mother did. My best friend, the only girl I ever loved. I couldn't save Lilly, but I won't let her daughter die. I will protect her with my life. Both of them.

I looked over at the Slytherin table and I noticed young Mr. Malfoy staring at Magnolia. The way he looked at her . . . I smiled to myself as I realized history could be changed.

The Slytherin Prince and Gryffindor  Princess book 1Where stories live. Discover now