The princess

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As I ate my salad I heard a chuckle. I turned around and saw . . .guess who . . . Draco Malfoy standing behind me. 

I turned back around and continued eating my salad. I can't be bothered with this boy right now. This salad is too good. 

"Figures the Potter Twins would be in Gryffindor. They've got to be the most annoying of all the houses." I rolled my eyes at this. 

"I wonder why you're here Weasley, I didn't think you had enough money to get school supplies." He smirked. 

I wiped my mouth with a napkin and then got out of my seat. I punched Malfoy as hard as I could and he went flying down the floor.

"Okay listen up!" I narrowed my eyes at him. Everyone was staring, the teachers just ignored it. I guess they're not big fans of the Malfoys either.

"You can't do that! Do you know who my father is?" He looked scared and angry. I smirked, time to put this little boy in his place.

"I don't care who your father is. That doesn't give you the right to act like you're the ruler of this school. You don't get to talk down on people because of how much money their family makes! Why don't you go slither away like the snake you are!" There was clapping and cheering as Malfoy went back to his table. George and Fred ran over to me and bowed down. 

"From this point on," Fred started.

"We declare Magnolia Potter," George said immediately after. 

" Our Gryffindor Princess," they said in unison. 

"Gryffindor Princess? I could get used to that." I said smiling.

The Slytherin Prince and Gryffindor  Princess book 1Where stories live. Discover now