The Potion Master

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Magnolias POV
All eyes were on my brother and I everywhere we went.

For my first class, Transfiguration, I was sitting  next to Hermione, she and I became great friends. 

Suddenly the doors burst open and Harry and Ron ran in. 

I looked at Hermione, she just rolled her eyes. 

"Oh thank Merlin the Professor isn't here. Can you imaging the look on old McGonagall's face if she knew we were late?" Ron whispered to Harry. 

The tabby cat that was on the teachers desk jumped off and shifted into . . . Mrs. McGonagall. 

"That was bloody impressive," Ron said clearly scared out of his wits. 

"Why thank you, Mr. Weasley, maybe I can transform one of you into a pocket watch so that at least one of you could be on time." The professor said.  She just became my favorite teacher. 

"Sorry, we got lost." My brother tried to explain. 

"Then may I suggest a map." The Professor said a small smile on her lips. She's awesome.
Hermione and I were giggling our heads off. 

"What class are you most excited about Magnolia?" Hermione asked after class. 

"Potions, it sounds like fun," I answered. "I've read the Potions book 5 times." 

"I've only read it 3 times," Hermione said with a frown. We both giggled.
We sat down for lunch. I sat next to Harry on his left, Ron was across from us, and Hermione sat next to me on my left. Suddenly Hedwig flew down and dropped a letter in between Harry and me.
He opened it at once. 
"Its from Hagrid!" My brother said excitedly. "He wants us to come down Friday afternoon."
I borrowed a quill from Hermione and scribbled.
We'll be there, see you soon! On the back of the paper.

Finally, it was time for potions.
The dungeon was cold and was full of jars that held . . . well, I don't even know what to call them.
We had the class with Slytherins. Well, this should be fun.

 I sat next to Hermione.
The Professor had greasy black hair and a crooked nose. He had cold black eyes.
He started roll call.
"Ah, our new celebrities Mr. Potter" he looked at my brother with disgust  "and Miss. Potter." He looked at me and there was a hint of sadness in his eyes.  
He started talking about potions. Wow, he really knows how to reel a class in. I was listening to every word. 

"Mr. Potter!" He yelled. 

Great what has my brother done now.
"What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" He asked.
Come on Harry I told you to read all the text books, but you thought that you didn't need to.  Geez, I've got a dummy for a brother. 

"I don't know sir," my brother said. 

I pulled Hermione's hand down. 

"Where would you look if I told you to find me a bezoar?" Professor Snape asked.  This is an easy one. Hermione's hand went straight up. I pulled it back down. 

"I don't know sir." My brother whispered. I felt bad for him. 

"Let's see if your sister actually opened a book." He turned to me. "Miss. Potter, what is the difference between monkshood and wolfsbane?" He asked. This ones easy. 

"It's a trick question, sir." I smiled. " they are the same plant also known as aconite." 

He smiled at me it was a sincere smile. I smiled back. 

"Its good to know who got your mothers smarts." At that, I blushed. 

"1 point will be taken from Gryffindor and 4 will be rewarded" he grinned at me. 

When class ended I went up to professor Snape's desk. 

"Excuse me, professor?" I asked.

"Yes what is it Miss Potter?" He asked a small smile on his face. 

"Could you tell me about her?" I asked.

"About who?" He asked grimly.  He knows who I'm talking about. 

"My mother, were you two close?" I tried to look strong and brave. 

"You look just like her you have her smile, even the look she would get when she tried to pretend she was brave. When I saw you yelling at Mr. Malfoy I thought for a second that you were your mother." He said.  

"So you were friends?" I asked. 

"I'm the one who told her about magic, I was her friend, she was definitely beautiful. She was kind but you didn't want to get on her bad side. Your father would know that better then anyone else." He looked at me with such sorrow it made me want to cry. 

"Thank you professor" I smiled at him and walked away. 

I walked to Hagrids hut thinking of what Snape said.
Harry was already there along with Ron.
"What took so long," my brother asked. 

"Oh I wanted to talk to Snape" I told him. 

The door opened and Hagrid smiled at us.
"Well come on in" he said.
When we all sat down Hagrid was telling Ron about how he spent the last three years chasing the twins away.
I looked to my left and saw a newspaper saying:

Gringotts Break-in Latest
Investigations continue into the break-in at Gringotts on 31 July, widely believed to be the work of Dark wizards or witches unknown.  

"There was a break-in on our Birthday Harry" I showed the paper to my brother and he read it. 

"It might have happened when we were there!" He looked bewildered. 

"Oh look at the time you better be off," he pushed us out of the hut.  "Well goodbye" he closed the door.  

"Well that was... Weird." Ron said taking the words right out of my mouth.

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