The Dragon

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Magnolias POV
Hermione was helping me study my Charms study guide. Harry and Ron kept complaining that there was no need to study. 

"The exams are ages away," Ron said with a pout.  

"Ten weeks Ron. We have ten weeks to study." Hermione said clearly annoyed. 

"That's like a second to Nicolas Flamel," I said not taking my eyes off my Charms book. 

"Its bad enough the teachers are making us study every minute of class, but now we've got you two making us study?" My brother said rolling his eyes. 

I wasn't really listening to him after that since I found a really cool article about dragons and their blood being used in potions. Hermione was practicing wand movements next to me. We were all in the library trying to study for exams, well Hermione and I were anyway. 

"But it's such a nice day out why don't we take a break." My brother said with puppy dog eyes. I rolled my eyes but then I saw Fred and George and I got an idea. 

"Ok I guess it'll be okay to take a break," I said. Hermione looked at me like I was crazy. But I gave her a look letting her know that I had a plan.

"Hello princess. " The twins said coming over. 

"Its a beautiful day out," Fred said. 

"Not as beautiful as you though." George said with a wink. 

"Would you like to go outside with us?" They asked in unison. 

"Yes, I'd love to," I said looking innocent. 

"No she can't we're busy studying." My brother glared at them. 

The twins looked sad and mumbled "Party pooper."
Then they left. 

"I thought we were going to take a break?" I asked grinning just a little bit. 

"I changed my mind." He said simply. 

Ron looked miserable but Hermione looked like she was holding in a laugh as I sat down. 

It was dark out when we were in the common room. Hermione and I were still studying when we heard a shuffling noise. We both turned around but saw nothing but then we heard a sneeze come from the middle of the room. I walked up to where I heard the noise. I bumped into something or rather someone and fell on top of them. When I got up I reached down and felt some kind of fabric. I pulled up and saw Harry and Ron lying on the floor Ron looking guilty. Hermione gasped. 

"There are easier ways to get a girl to fall for you Ron," I said smirking. He blushed.
"Harry you know better then to go doing something you're not supposed to without me," I said with a pout. 

"Sorry sis."

"Where are you guys going anyway?" Hermione asked. 

"Hagrid's," they said in unison. 

"We're coming with you." Hermione and I said in unison. 

"Fine but be carefull." Harry looked at me nervously.

The next thing I knew we were at Hagrids door under the invisability cloak. We took off the cloak and I knocked on the door.

"Back fang back!" I heard Hagrids voice.
When he opened the door a great big dog started barking.

"What are you kids doing here?" Hagrid asked. "You better get back to school before you get in trouble." He started to close the door but before he could we all yelled in unison.

"We know about the Sorcerer's Stone!" 

Hagrid looked disappointed and surprised. "Oh, well come on in then." 

When we all sat down around the huge table Hagrid was cooking something in the fire.

When Fang came over I scratched his ear, he started wagging his tail.

"Wow, you have a way with animals Magnolia," Hagrid said surprised. "Fang usually doesn't trust strangers."

I smiled.  "Now about the stone."

"Yes what do you know about what's guarding the stone?" My brother said anxiously. 

"O, I don' know. Besides, yeh already know too much. So besides Fluffy I don' know what's gaurding that stone."

"Oh, come on, Hagrid, you must know everything that happens round here," Hermione said in a warm and flattering voice. I could see Hermione was smiling. Go Hermione. I said in my mind. 

"Well I don' s'pose it could hurt ter tell yeh which teachers are helping guard the stone." He said nervously. "Professor Sprout-Professor Flitwick- Professor McGonagall - Professor Quirell - Dumbledore himself - an' Professor Snape."

"Snape? " Harry, Ron, Hermione, and I said in unison. 

"Look professor Snape is helping protect the Stone, he's not about ter steal it," Hagrid said. 

"But Snape would know everything wouldn't he? Like how to get past all the obstacles." Hermione said. 

"No he wouldn't," Hagrid said. "Only me an' Dumbledore know how to get past Fluffy."

"Hagrid, can we have a window open? I'm boiling." My brother said. Now that he mentions it I was starting to sweat a little too. 

"Can't, Harry, sorry," said Hagrid. I glanced at the fire. My brother did too. 

"Hagrid - what's that?" Harry asked. 

Hagrid went over to the fire and put very large gloves on. He picked up something in the pot over the fire. It looked like a large, black egg. He placed it on the table. 

"Where did you get it, Hagrid?" asked Ron. "It must've cost you a fortune."

"Won it," said Hagrid. "Las' night. I was down in the village havin' a few drinks an' got into a game o' cards with a stranger. Think he was quite glad ter get rid of it, ter be honest."

"But what are you going to do with it when it's hatched?" asked Hermione. But before he could answer there was a cracking noise. Coming from the egg. 

"It's hatching," Hagrid said cheerfully. Another cracking noise came but louder. The egg was starting to split open and a baby dragon broke out of the shell. It had spiny wings and a skinny jet black body. It had a long snout with wide nostrils, the stubs of horns and bulging orange eyes.

"Isn't he beautiful?" Hagrid murmured.
The dragon turned around and showed his teeth to Hagrid.
"Bless him he knows his mommy," said Hagrid.
Hagrid lept up from his seat. "Who's that?" 

I turned around just in time to see Malfoy running back to school.
"Malfoy." Harry and I said in unison.

We all made our way to the school. 

"I can't believe Malfoy saw us." I moaned. 

"Do you think he'll tell?" Hermione asked looking worried. 

We heard someone clear there throat in front of us. When we looked up we saw Professor McGonagall looking as stern as ever. Malfoy right next to her smirking. 

"Yes Hermione, I think he will," I whispered to Hermione.

"Never in all my years of teaching have I had so many students of my own house out of bed way past curfew. 50 points from Gryffinfor."

"50!" We all said. 

"Each, all 5 of you will serve detention tomorrow night." 

"Professor, perhaps I heard wrong. I thought you said the 5 of us."

"You heard correct Mr. Malfoy as true as your intentions were you were also out of bed past curfew you will serve detention with them."
Malfoy wasn't pleased with that he glared at us or actually he was glaring at me. I stuck my tongue out. 

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