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Magnolia POV
It was the night of Detention we were all walking to Hagrids hut where our punishment waited.
"This is your fault, Flower," Malfoy whispered to me. 

"Please tell me how it was my fault Malfoy." I said glancing at him. "And why are you calling me Flower?"

He just looked straight ahead and if I didn't know any better I'd say he was blushing. But it was too dark to be sure.
We finally got there. Hagrid was holding a crossbow. He looked rather upset I could hear him sniffling. 

"You're not crying over that dragon are you?" Filch asked looking annoyed. 

"Norbert has been sent to Romania." Hagrid said sadly. 

Norbert must be the dragon.

"Well that's good then right?  He'll be with his own kind." Hermione said sympatheticly.  

"But what if he don't like Romania or the other dragons pick on him?  He's only a baby after all."

"You better keep your mind sharp for the forbidden forest." Flitch said sharply. 

"Wait we're going to the forbidden forest?" Malfoy asked not hiding his cowardnest. "But there's werewolves in there!"

"Scared Malfoy?" I smirked. 

"Of course not!" Just then there was a howl and Malfoy grabbed my hand. 

"Sure keep telling yourself that." I said taking my hand back. He was blushing hard. 

"I'd go back but someone has to protect you." He said smirking. 

"Oh and who's going to protect you?" my brother laughed at my remark. 

Just then Fang came running up to me. I scratched his behind and he wagged his tail fiercely.

"Right then," Hagrid said walking towards the forest. He bent down and put his figures in some kind of silvery puddle. 

"Hagrid what is that?" I asked. 

"Unicorn blood" he answered. "A unicorn has been injured and we're going to find it and put it out of its misery. Hermione, Ron you're with me. Harry, Draco, and Emily you guys are together."

"There's no way I'm going with them," Malfoy said glaring at me and my brother. 

"Well you're welcome to go back to the school – all alone – in the dark" I said smirking. He blushed so hard I could see it clearly even in the dark. 

"Fine but we get Fang." He said. 

"Fine, but he's a real coward," Hagrid said. "Right then let's go," He said.

We were all walking in the forest. I rolled my eyes at Malfoys complaints. But then my right wrist started burning I saw Harry put his hand over his forehead. I heard Draco scream and Fang running after him. I looked up and saw a hooded figure over a white body, actually it was a white horse body. A unicorn's body. 

The hooded figure looked up unicorn blood dripping from its mouth. I couldn't see its face just its mouth. It started walking towards us. My wrist was on fire. Harry grabbed my other wrist and pulled me back but I tripped over a branch and fell backwards pulling Harry with me.
I pain in my wrist was unbearable. But there was another pain one that I can't even explain. But it wasn't coming from me it was from the unicorn I could feel it. It was in so much pain. Then I saw what looked like a half man half horse.  Then it all went black.

Dracos POV
We were all walking back to the castle Magnolia was in Hagrids arms knocked out cold.  She must think I'm a coward. St. Potter kept blaming  me saying that if I was there she wouldn't have tripped and she'd be alright. Maybe he's right.

Harrys POV
She looks so helpless. That's not my sister. My sisters brave and stubborn and I'm her overprotective twin brother who couldn't protect her. Back in the forest before Firenze the centaur saved us she looked so much in pain but she didn't cry. She's so stubborn that even in pain she doesn't let out a sob. That Malfoy will pay.

Magnolia POV
"Please Madam Pomfrey I feel fine," I begged the school nurse. 

"Well I suppose you simply fainted because of the fear. The mind can only handle so much" She said looking doubtful. "Oh alright."

I ran to the common room and found Harry, Ron, and Hermione on the couch. 

"Magnolia!" They shouted in unison. They came up and hugged the breath out of me. 

"Guys... Can't... Breath..." I tried to say.

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