Flying class

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Magnolias POV
I was eating my chicken salad, listening to Hermione give out tips about how to hold on to your broom and how to not be scared about flying. I could tell she was scared herself, when a barn owl dropped a small package in Nevilles' hands. 

"It's from my Gran." He said as he opened the package. 

He held up a glass ball that was the size of a large marble that was full of white smoke.
"It's a Remembrall!" He explained. "Gran knows I forget things--" before he could finish the white smoke turned red. 

"I guess I forgot something." He said turning redder then the ball. 

The ball was snatched by Draco Malfoy, what was he doing over here?" I thought. 

"Give it back you slimy little snake!" I shot at him. 

"Or what Princess?" he smirked at me. "I hear they're calling you the Gryffindor Princess. Your parents must be proud. Oh, wait I forgot, the Princess is an orphan." He started laughing.
Ron and Harry jumped to their feet while a boy, Lee,  and a girl, Angelina were holding the Weasley twins back. I was being held back by Hermione. 

I tried scratching at Malfoy when someone cleared their throat I looked behind me to find Professor Snape glaring at Malfoy.  "Go back to your table Mr. Malfoy and kindly return whatever you took from Mr Longbottom" he kept glaring at Malfoy until he was sitting down at his table. Then Snape went back to where he was sitting.

I sat down and ate more of my chicken salad. 

At flying lessons, I was in between Harry and Hermione.
Madam Hooch was our teacher, she looked young but had short,  gray hair, and yellow eyes like a hawk.
"Now I want to stand on the left side of their brooms raise their right hand over the brooms and say "up"

Harry, me, and sadly Draco were the first to call up our brooms. 

Ron got hit in the face with his broom.  Harry and I chuckled at that. 

"Oh shut up you two." He mumbled at us while rubbing his nose. 

Hermione was getting frustrated. Hers was moving around but not going up to her hand.
"You're treating it like a dog, Mione," I explained to her. "You have to really mean it and show whose boss." 

When she said up more seriously the broom went straight to her hand.  She smiled at me and mouthed "thanks" and I nodded in reply. 

Finally it was time to fly. 

There was just one problem. 

Neville was so nervous he accidentally flew up before he was supposed to. He went up and up and up. Then down he went with a crack. 

Madam Hooch ran to Neville. When she went down and examined his wrist. She went as white as her hair.
"Broken wrist." She muttered.
She helped him up.
"No one is to move while I take this boy to the hospital wing. If I find out you were on those brooms you'll be expelled faster then you can say 'Quidditch.' Come now dear." 

When they were gone Malfoy burst into laughter. That good for nothing little git.
"Did you see his face, the great lump?"

"Shut up,  Malfoy," I said glaring at him. 

"Why don't you make me Princess?" He sneered.
He bent down and picked up something round and white. Nevilles Remembrall.  

"Give that here, Malfoy," Harry glared at him. Clearly still angry about earlier.
Malfoy smiled nastily. 

"I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find" he started flying up. "How about on the roof." He started laughing. 

"Give it here," Harry and I said in unison. 

"Come and get it,  Potters." He called. 

We both grabbed our broomsticks.  

"No!  You guys can't" Hermione grabbed my shoulder as we were about to take off. "You could get hurt, or expelled!" 

Harry rolled his eyes and flew to Malfoy.
I shrugged and followed him.  

"Give it here, Malfoy." My brother started. 

 "Or we'll knock you off that  broom." I finished. 

"Here catch." Malfoy threw the ball and Harry went to catch it. He caught it before it hit a window. 

"Magnolia catch!" My brother threw the ball. He missed by a ton. 

"What was that!" I yelled. 

"Sorry" he yelled back. 

I flew straight down towards the ball it was getting closer to the ground. I caught it and pulled up right away. 

When we landed people were cheering and running up to us.
We were picked up and put on peoples shoulders. 

"Mr. And Miss Potter" we heard an old but stern voice. Professor McGonagall.
We were dropped to the ground. 

"Ouch!" I yelped. 

"Please follow me," she said. 

We were walking down the halls until we stopped behind a door. The Charms  classroom door.
"Please bring me Wood, Professor Flitwick." She said when she opened the door.
Wood, she's going to beat us with wood. We didn't break anything and no one got hurt so why was she going to beat us with wood. 

A handsome boy walked out of the classroom. 

"Mr. Wood," oh so wood is someone's last name. The last name to a very cute boy.

"I have found you two new seekers." She smiled ear to ear. 

"What?" My brother and I said in unison. 

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