Harry Potter and the Children of the Clan

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Harry Potter and the Children of the Clan,

Chapter 1

Harry Potter, full professor of Transfiguration and Assistant Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, lay on a chaise lounge in the front garden of his home, Meadow Crest, looking up into the night sky. It was nearly midnight and his thirty third birthday was nearly over. Although numerically it wasn't particularly significant, Harry always put great store in his birthdays. Largely because there was a time when he didn't think he was going to have any more of them, but also because for a good portion of his life they had been met with such aggressive indifference by his so called guardians, Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon, that the well attended celebrations were a tangible symbol of his place as a loved member of a large family and a larger circle of friends.

As he stared up into the starry sky he did what he always did at times like this. He tried to discern some shred of information about what the future might hold but as always the only thing he could do was recognize the shapes of the constellations that he had memorized as a first year student of Astronomy. Despite her best efforts and a number of attempts, Lavender Brown, known professionally as Madame Levandre, couldn't teach Harry one iota about how to read the stars. He had finally given up and reconciled himself to the thought that there was at least one aspect of the magical arts that the famous Harry Potter couldn't come to grips with.

He thought back over the day and how much fun there had been. With the children getting older there had been a lot more activity around the grounds and in the air over the meadow. Poor Snuffles had succumbed early as his years were starting to weigh on him. The day also served as an early send off for Victoire, as she had gotten her letter late the past spring and would be leaving for her first year at Hogwarts in a month or so. He had to chuckle to himself when he thought back on how Fleur and Ginny had come to him a few weeks ago and asked if he would mind sharing his day with his favorite niece. His response was simple and telling.

"You're joking, right?"

He took some time during the day to speak to his niece, Miss Vee as he liked to call her. The exchange was fresh in his mind. They sat on a low stone wall that formed the edge of one of the flower displays in the front garden.

"So, another month and you're off to Hogwarts. Excited?"

"Yes, I am. I can't wait. I know I'll miss mummy and everyone else terribly but I'm very eager to start," she replied.

"Now, I know you've had this talk with your dad, but just remember, no 'uncle arry' while at school. Just like with Abagail and Ted."

"Oh, I know, sir," she said with a little smirk. "Daddy explained it all the other night. I don't think it should be a problem. Ted told me he got used to it after only a few days."

The she squinted up at him and said,

"But that doesn't mean that I'm going to stop keeping my eye on you, uncle 'arry. Mummy was very clear about that. You've been doing pretty well the last year or so but I'm to make sure there is no back sliding."

Harry had to laugh to himself as he sat on the lounge chair staring up into the night sky thinking on that particular comment. He had thought since becoming Assistant Head Master three years earlier that he had been doing fairly well in managing the workload and the stress it was causing him. He had managed to dodge most of the work involved in the joint projects partnership between Hogwarts and the Ministry. He was only asked to occasionally comment on a particular proposal or ongoing effort. The Tome Project had settled down into a fairly steady low key effort amongst the various interested faculty members with just a few formal meetings at the house during the course of the year to discuss progress. If anything significant was unearthed it was usually shared in hasty gatherings in a classroom at the school.

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